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TA贡献1859条经验 获得超6个赞
正如您可能在另一个问题中看到的那样,解析诸如此类的中缀表示法最好使用帮助程序(以前称为 )进行解析。以下是用于您的问题的基础知识:infixNotationoperatorPrecedenceinfixNotation
import pyparsing as pp
# define expressions for boolean operator keywords, and for an ident
# (which we take care not to parse an operator as an identifier)
AND, OR, NOT = map(pp.Keyword, "AND OR NOT".split())
any_keyword = AND | OR | NOT
ident = pp.ungroup(~any_keyword + pp.Char(pp.alphas))
# use pyparsing_common.number pre-defined expression for any numeric value
numeric_value = pp.pyparsing_common.number
# define an expression for 'x=1', 'y!=200', etc.
comparison_op = pp.oneOf("= != < > <= >=")
comparison = pp.Group(ident + comparison_op + numeric_value)
# define classes for the parsed results, where we can do further processing by
# node type later
class Node:
oper = None
def __init__(self, tokens):
self.tokens = tokens[0]
def __repr__(self):
return "{}:{!r}".format(self.oper, self.tokens.asList())
class UnaryNode(Node):
def __init__(self, tokens):
del self.tokens[0]
class BinaryNode(Node):
def __init__(self, tokens):
del self.tokens[1::2]
class NotNode(UnaryNode):
oper = "NOT"
class AndNode(BinaryNode):
oper = "AND"
class OrNode(BinaryNode):
oper = "OR"
# use infixNotation helper to define recursive expression parser,
# including handling of nesting in parentheses
expr = pp.infixNotation(comparison,
(NOT, 1, pp.opAssoc.RIGHT, NotNode),
(AND, 2, pp.opAssoc.LEFT, AndNode),
(OR, 2, pp.opAssoc.LEFT, OrNode),
test = "x=1 AND (x=2 OR x=3 OR y=12) AND NOT (x=4 AND x=5) AND (x=6) AND y=7"
result = expr.parseString(test, parseAll=True)
except pp.ParseException as pe:
x=1 AND (x=2 OR x=3 OR y=12) AND NOT (x=4 AND x=5) AND (x=6) AND y=7
[AND:[['x', '=', 1], OR:[['x', '=', 2], ['x', '=', 3], ['y', '=', 12]], NOT:[AND:[['x', '=', 4], ['x', '=', 5]]], ['x', '=', 6], ['y', '=', 7]]]
从这一点开始,折叠嵌套的 AND 节点并删除非比较可以使用常规 Python 完成。x
TA贡献1812条经验 获得超5个赞
operators = ["AND NOT", "AND"]
sepChar = ":"
yourInputString = yourInputString.replace("(","").replace(")","") # remove the parenthesis
# Replace your operators with the separator character
for op in operators:
yourInputString = yourInputString.replace(op,sepChar)
# output of your string so far
# yourInputString
# 'x=1 : x=2 OR x=3 : x=4 : x=5 : x=5 : y=1'
# Create a list with the separator character
operationsList = youtInputString.split(sepChar)
# operationsList
# ['x=1', 'x=2 OR x=3', 'x=4', 'x=5', 'x=5', 'y=1']
# For the second result, let's do another operation list:
operators2 = ["OR"]
output = []
# Loop to find the other operators
for op in operationsList:
for operator in operators2:
if operator in op:
op = op.split(operator)
# output:
# [['x=1'], ['x=2', 'x=3'], ['x=4'], ['x=5'], ['x=5'],['y=1']]
import re
operators = ["AND NOT","AND","OR"]
# Substitute parenthesis
yourInputString = yourInputString.replace("(","[").replace(")","]")
# yourInputString
# "[x=1 AND [x=2 OR x=3] AND NOT [x=4 AND x=5] AND [x=5] AND y=1]"
# Replace your operators
for op in operators:
yourInputString = yourInputString(op,",")
# yourInputString
# "[x=1 , [x=2 , x=3] , [x=4 , x=5] , [x=5] , y=1]"
# Find matches like x = 5 and substitue with 'x = 5'
compiler = re.compile(r"[xyz]{1}=\d")
matches = compiler.findall(yourInputString)
# matches
# ['x=1', 'x=2', 'x=3', 'x=4', 'x=5', 'x=5', 'y=1']
# Convert the list into unique outputs
matches = list(set(matches))
# matches
# ['x=1', 'x=2', 'x=3', 'x=4', 'x=5', 'y=1']
# Replace your matches to add quotes to each element
for match in matches:
yourInputString = yourInputString.replace(match,f"'{match}'")
# yourInputString
# "['x=1' , ['x=2' , 'x=3'] , ['x=4' , 'x=5'] , ['x=5'] , 'y=1']"
# Here is the special move, convert your text into list
myList = eval(yourInputString)
# myList
# ['x=1', ['x=2', 'x=3'], ['x=4', 'x=5'], ['x=5'], 'y=1']