2 回答

TA贡献1820条经验 获得超2个赞
import csv
from sys import argv
import re
class DnaTest(object):
"""CLASS HELP: the DNA test, simply give DNA sequence to the program, and it searches in the database to
determine the person who owns the sample.
type the following in cmd to run the program:
python dna.py databases/small.csv sequences/1.txt """
def __init__(self):
# get filename from the command line without directory names "database" and "sequence"
self.sequence_argv = str(argv[2][10:])
self.database_argv = str(argv[1][10:])
# Automatically open and close the database file
with open(f"databases/{self.database_argv}", 'r') as database_file:
self.database_file = database_file.readlines()
# Automatically open and close the sequence file
with open(f"sequences/{self.sequence_argv}", 'r') as sequence_file:
self.sequence_file = sequence_file.readline()
# Read CSV file as a dictionary, function: compare_database_with_sequence()
self.csv_database_dictionary = csv.DictReader(self.database_file)
# Read CSV file to take the first row, function: get_str_list()
self.reader = csv.reader(self.database_file)
# computed dictionary from the sequence file
self.dict_from_sequence = {}
self.select_max = {}
# returns the first row of the CSV file (database file)
def get_str_list(self):
# get first row from CSV file
keys = next(self.reader)
# remove 'name' from list, get STR only.
return keys
# returns dictionary of computed STRs from the sequence file (key(STR): value(count))
def get_str_count_from_sequence(self): # PROBLEM HERE AND RETURN DICTIONARY FROM IT !
for str_key in self.get_str_list():
regex = rf"({str_key})+"
matches = re.finditer(regex, self.sequence_file, re.MULTILINE)
# my code
for match in matches:
match_len = len(match.group())
key_len = len(str_key)
self.select_max[match] = match_len
# select max value from results dictionary (select_max)
max_values = max(self.select_max.values())
if max_values >= key_len:
result = int(max_values / key_len)
self.select_max[str_key] = result
self.dict_from_sequence[str_key] = result
# clear compare dictionary to select new key
# compare computed dictionary with the database dictionaries and get the person name
def compare_database_with_sequence(self):
# comparison function between database dictionary and sequence computed dictionary
def dicts_equal(from_sequence, from_database):
""" return True if all keys and values are the same """
return all(k in from_database and int(from_sequence[k]) == int(from_database[k]) for k in from_sequence) \
and all(k in from_sequence and int(from_sequence[k]) == int(from_database[k]) for k in from_database)
def check_result():
for dictionary in self.csv_database_dictionary:
dict_from_database = dict(dictionary)
if dicts_equal(self.dict_from_sequence, dict_from_database):
dict_from_database = dict(dictionary)
return True
if check_result():
print("No match")
# run the class and its functions (Program control)
if __name__ == '__main__':
RunTest = DnaTest()
Run your program as python dna.py databases/small.csv sequences/1.txt. Your program should output Bob.
Run your program as python dna.py databases/small.csv sequences/2.txt. Your program should output No match.
有关更多检查,请访问 CS50 DNA 问题集

TA贡献1829条经验 获得超4个赞
enter code here
import csv
import sys
# check command-line arguments, expect 3 including dna.py
n = len(sys.argv)
if n != 3:
print("Usage: python dna.py data.csv sequence.txt")
with open(sys.argv[1], 'r') as database: # read database
data_lines = csv.reader(database) # read line-by-line, store in data_lines
data = [row for row in data_lines] # convert to list of lists, store in data
with open(sys.argv[2], 'r') as sequences:
dna = sequences.read() # read sequence data, store in string dna
counts = [] # list to store counts of the longest run of consecutive repeats of each STR
for i in range(1, len(data[0])): # loop through all STR
count = 1
string = data[0][i] # assign each STR to a string
while string * count in dna: # if find 1 string, then try to find string*2, and so on
count += 1
counts.append(str(count - 1)) # should be decreased by 1 as initialized to 1. int to str
for j in range(1, len(data)): # loop through all rows in database
if data[j][1:len(data[0])] == counts: # compare only numebrs in each row to counts
print(data[j][0]) # print corresponding name
print('No Match')