我很难知道从哪里开始重构Eclipse中以下写得很糟糕的反向波兰语符号。并且想知道在尝试重构代码时通常从哪里开始。import java.util.Scanner;class StackNode { public StackNode(double data, StackNode underneath) { this.data = data; this.underneath = underneath; } public StackNode underneath; public double data;}class RPN { public void into(double new_data) { StackNode new_node = new StackNode(new_data, top); top = new_node; } public double outof( ) { double top_data = top.data; top = top.underneath; return top_data; } public RPN(String command) { top = null; this.command = command; } public double get( ) { double a, b; int j; for(int i = 0; i < command.length( ); i++) { // if it's a digit if(Character.isDigit(command.charAt(i))) { double number; // get a string of the number String temp = ""; for(j = 0; (j < 100) && (Character.isDigit(command.charAt(i)) || (command.charAt(i) == '.')); j++, i++) { temp = temp + String.valueOf(command.charAt(i)); } // convert to double and add to the stack number = Double.parseDouble(temp); into(number); } else if(command.charAt(i) == '+') { b = outof( ); a = outof( ); into(a + b); } else if(command.charAt(i) == '-') { b = outof( ); a = outof( ); into(a - b); } else if(command.charAt(i) == '*') { b = outof( ); a = outof( ); into(a * b); }任何事情都会有帮助,谢谢。P.S. 很抱歉,我无法使它更短的长代码。