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您希望使用 while 循环。喜欢这个:
carsEntered = 0
while (carsEntered <= 4):
caaaaaaaar = int(input(" Please enter Which car you want to finance: "))
years = int(input(" enter years of loan either 3 or 4 or 5 Years: "))
carsEntered += 1
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在这种情况下,可以在 中使用 标志变量。while
flag = False
while(flag is False):
flag = True
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# This is the function definition.
# The code in this function does not execute until the function is called.
def prompt_int(
error="The value you entered is not valid try again."
# when the function is called it will start a second while loop that will keep looping
# until valid input is entered
while True:
val = int(input(text))
if minimum <= val <= maximum:
return val
raise ValueError
except ValueError:
# This is the outer while loop. It will keep looping forever if the user so chooses.
while True:
# instead of calling print() a bunch one option is to assign a docstring to a variable
car_prompt = '''
==============Car Finance Calculations=============
Choose your veicle:
SUV: 1
Hatch: 2
Sedan: 3
Please enter the number for the car you want to finance or 0 to exit:\n
# This is where we first call the function.
# Our docstring will be passed into the function to be used as a prompt.
# We also pass in some args for maximum and minimum params
caaaaaaaar = prompt_int(car_prompt, 0, 3)
# 0 is false so we can exit the while loop if the user enters 0
if not caaaaaaaar:
year_prompt = "Enter years of the car loan (3, 4 or 5):\n"
years = prompt_int(year_prompt, 3, 5)
if caaaaaaaar == 1:
val_prompt = "Please enter you cars value:\n"
carsvalue = prompt_int(val_prompt, 0, 2147483647)
residual = carsvalue * 0.30
financing = carsvalue - residual
print("Financing value for the car is: ", round(financing, 2))
print("Intrest rate is 9% ")
n = years * 12
r = 9 / (100 * 12)
Financingcost = financing * ((r * ((r + 1) ** n)) / (((r + 1) ** n) - 1))
print(" Your Montly financing rate is: ", round(Financingcost, 2))
print("Please Choose extras: ")
x = prompt_int("If you would like fuel type 1 else type 0:\n")
y = prompt_int("If you would like insurance type 1 else type 0:\n")
z = prompt_int("If you would like Maintenance type 1 else type 0:\n")
if x == 1:
print("Yes you want fuel")
fuelcost = 80 * 4.33
print("fuel cost is", round(fuelcost, 2))
print("you dont want fuel as an extra")
fuelcost = 0
print("Fuel cost is: ", fuelcost)
if y == 1:
print("yes you want insurance")
insurancecost = (1200 / 12)
print("Insurance cost is: ", round(insurancecost, 2))
print("you dont want insurance")
insurancecost = 0
print("insurance cost is: ", insurancecost)
if z == 1:
print("yes you want maintenance")
maintenancecost = (100 * 1)
print("Maintenance cost is: ", round(maintenancecost, 2))
print("you dont want maintenance")
maintenancecost = 0
print("maintenance cost is: ", maintenancecost)
total_cost_for_extras = fuelcost + maintenancecost + insurancecost
print("Total cost for the selected extras is: ", round(total_cost_for_extras, 2))
TOTALFOREVERYTHING = total_cost_for_extras + Financingcost
print("Total monthly financing rate is: ", round(TOTALFOREVERYTHING, 2))
elif caaaaaaaar == 2:
# Put your code for car 2 in this block.
# If it is like car 1 code except the value of a few variables
# then make another func
# Car 3 code...
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vehicle_type_dict = {
1: "SUV type",
2: "Hatch type",
3: "Sedan type"
并执行 while 循环以检查您的输入是否在字典中:
while True:
caaaaaaaar = int(input(" Please enter Which car you want to finance: "))
if caaaaaaaar not in vehicle_type_dict:
continue #loop again if input not in the dictionary
#read next line of code if input is in the dictionary
#do something below if input is correct
years = int(input(" enter years of loan either 3 or 4 or 5 Years: "))
break #end loop