我正在尝试从这里使用代码:https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/python-reading-contents-of-pdf-using-ocr-optical-character-recognition/# Import libraries from PIL import Imageimport pytesseractimport sysfrom pdf2image import convert_from_pathimport os# Path of the pdf PDF_file = "/Users/user1/Desktop/pdf1.pdf"''' Part #1 : Converting PDF to images '''# Store all the pages of the PDF in a variable pages = convert_from_path(PDF_file, 500)# Counter to store images of each page of PDF to image image_counter = 1# Iterate through all the pages stored above for page in pages: # Declaring filename for each page of PDF as JPG # For each page, filename will be: # PDF page 1 -> page_1.jpg # PDF page 2 -> page_2.jpg # PDF page 3 -> page_3.jpg # .... # PDF page n -> page_n.jpg filename = "page_" + str(image_counter) + ".jpg" # Save the image of the page in system page.save(filename, 'JPEG') # Increment the counter to update filename image_counter = image_counter + 1''' Part #2 - Recognizing text from the images using OCR '''3# Variable to get count of total number of pages filelimit = image_counter - 1# Creating a text file to write the output outfile = "/Users/user1/Desktop/ocr/pdf1.txt"# Open the file in append mode so that # All contents of all images are added to the same file f = open(outfile, "a")# Iterate from 1 to total number of pages for i in range(1, filelimit + 1): # Set filename to recognize text from # Again, these files will be: # page_1.jpg # page_2.jpg # .... # page_n.jpg filename = "page_" + str(i) + ".jpg" # Recognize the text as string in image using pytesserct text = str(((pytesseract.image_to_string(Image.open(filename)))))