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创建一个函数,以确保仅使用惰性承诺对 id 发出一个请求。
const URL = 'whatever'
let idPromise // so lazy 🦥
const getId = async () => {
const response = await fetch(URL)
if (!response.ok) {
throw response
return (await response.json()).id
const initialise = () {
if (!idPromise) {
idPromise = getId()
return idPromise
// and assuming you're using a module system
export default initialise
import initialise from 'path/to/initialise'
async function handleEvent(e) {
const id = await initialise()
// do stuff with the ID
TA贡献1803条经验 获得超3个赞
class IDManager {
getId(URL) {
if (this.id) {
return this.id;
this.id = fetch(URL)
return this.id
然后,当您调用 时,您只需等待结果即可。如果之前未发出任何请求,则将发送网络请求。如果已经存在挂起的请求,则每次调用都将等待相同的结果。如果承诺已经解决,您将立即获得结果。getId
const idManager = new IDManager();
async function handleEvent() {
const id = await idManager.getId(URL);
// Do stuff with the ID.
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async function request(URL) {
let response = fetch(URL)
if (response.ok) {
let json = await response.json();
return json.id;
return false;
然后,如果您的呼叫顺序很重要,请逐个写下它们。如果没有,那么你可以使用Promise.all(Promise.allSettled maybe)一次运行它们。https://developer.mozilla.org/ru/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Promise/all
TA贡献1852条经验 获得超1个赞
class IDManager {
async fetchID (resolve,reject ) {
const response = await fetch( URL, { } ) ;
const id = await response.json() ;
resolve( id );
async getID() {
if ( this.id === undefined ) {
if ( this.promise === undefined ) {
var self = this;
this.promise = new Promise( this.fetchID ).then( function(id) { self.id = id;} );
await this.promise;
return this.id;
问题是等待获取getID调用需要几秒钟。在那段时间里,经常有多个调用getID,所有这些都启动了另一个获取。我通过将 fetch 和 response.json 调用包装在另一个立即创建的 promise 中来避免这种情况,从而避免了重复。