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TA贡献1820条经验 获得超2个赞
立即调用 ,返回 ,然后由 每个元素使用,从累加器开始,并在每次迭代中返回一个新的平均值,即使实际上只使用了最后一个值。它的工作原理是更新每次迭代的闭包中的 和 变量。function (sum, count)(0,0)function (avg, person)reduce0sumcount
const result = arr.reduce(function (acc, person) {
if (person.name === "John") {
return {
sum: acc.sum + parseFloat(person.score),
count: acc.count + 1
return acc
}, { sum: 0, count: 0 })
console.log(result.sum / result.count)
const johnsScores = arr.filter(person => person.name === 'John')
const total = johnsScores.reduce((acc, person) => acc + parseFloat(person.score), 0)
console.log(total / johnsScores.length)
TA贡献1856条经验 获得超17个赞
确定约翰的平均分数似乎有点复杂。它使用闭包来能够有条件地递增 的值。我试图使用运行值的日志来解释它。count
const arr = [
{ name: "John", score: "8.8" },
{ name: "John", score: "8.6" },
{ name: "John", score: "9.0" },
{ name: "John", score: "8.3" },
{ name: "Tom", score: "7.9" } ];
// the outer function delivers the inner function
// the outer function uses 0, 0 as input initially
// The outer function does nothing with those values
// and it returns not a value, but the inner function.
// The inner function is run every iteration of reduce
// and in there the initial closed over values are
// manipulated. That inner function returns the actual
// accumulator value (a running average)
const avgScoreDemo = arr.reduce(function(sum, count) {
let outerValues = `outer sum: ${sum}, outer count: ${count}`;
return function(avg, person) {
console.log(outerValues +
` avg: ${avg}, inner sum ${sum}, inner count: ${count}`);
if (person.name === "John") {
sum += +person.score;
return sum / ++count;
return avg;
}(0, 0), 0);
// This can be simplified to
const avgScore = arr.reduce((sum, person) =>
sum + (person.name === "John" ? +person.score : 0), 0) /
arr.filter(v => v.name === "John").length;
// or using filter/index value
const avgScore2 = arr
.filter( v => v.name === "John" )
.reduce( (acc, person, i) =>
({ ...acc, sum: acc.sum + +person.score,
average: (acc.sum + +person.score) / ++i }),
{ average: 0, sum: 0 } ).average;
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