4 回答

TA贡献1757条经验 获得超8个赞
user_choice = int(input("Please choose from the following: \n" " 1 for scissor \n" " 2 for rock \n" " 3 for paper. \n"))
while user_choice not in [1,2,3]

TA贡献1942条经验 获得超3个赞
print("This program simulates a 'rock paper scissor' game.")
print("The rules are as follows: rock beats scissor, paper beats rock, and scissor beats paper. \n")
print("This program simulates a 'rock paper scissor' game.")
print("The rules are as follows: rock beats scissor, paper beats rock, and scissor beats paper. \n")
#get user input
while True:
user_choice = input("Please choose from the following: \n"
" 1 for scissor \n"
" 2 for rock \n"
" 3 for paper. \n")
#validate input so user only enters 1, 2, or 3
if user_choice in ["1", "2", "3"]:
int_user_choice = int(user_choice)

TA贡献1851条经验 获得超5个赞
您的不正确,因为输入返回字符串类型,并且您正在使用类型int进行检查,因此请在循环中更改类型。此外,如果希望它在其中一种情况下终止,则不能使用,在这种情况下,您必须使用 。orand
print("This program simulates a 'rock paper scissor' game.")
print("The rules are as follows: rock beats scissor, paper beats rock, and scissor beats paper. \n")
print("This program simulates a 'rock paper scissor' game.")
print("The rules are as follows: rock beats scissor, paper beats rock, and scissor beats paper. \n")
#get user input
user_choice = input("Please choose from the following: \n"
" 1 for scissor \n"
" 2 for rock \n"
" 3 for paper. \n")
#validate input so user only enters 1, 2, or 3
while user_choice != '1' and user_choice != '2' and user_choice != '3':
user_choice = input("Please enter only '1' for scissor, '2' for rock, or '3' for paper: ")
#convert input to int
int_user_choice = int(user_choice)

TA贡献1821条经验 获得超4个赞
valid_choices = {1,2,3}
while not user_choice.isdigit() and not int(user_choice) in valid_choices:
user_choice = input("Please enter only '1' for scissor, '2' for rock, or '3' for paper: ")
valid_choices = {'1','2','3'}
while not user_choice in valid_choices:
user_choice = input("Please enter only '1' for scissor, '2' for rock, or '3' for paper: ")