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TA贡献1820条经验 获得超10个赞
您的应用程序需要在所有服务或存储库中连接 MongoDB 客户端,因此如果您在应用程序包中分离了 MongoDB 客户端连接和断开功能,则更容易。您不需要连接 MongoDB 客户端,如果您的服务器正在启动,如果您的服务或存储库需要 MongoDB 客户端连接,您可以先连接。
// db.go
package application
import (
var client *mongo.Client
func ResolveClientDB() *mongo.Client {
if client != nil {
return client
var err error
// TODO add to your .env.yml or .config.yml MONGODB_URI: mongodb://localhost:27017
clientOptions := options.Client().ApplyURI(os.Getenv("MONGODB_URI"))
client, err = mongo.Connect(context.Background(), clientOptions)
if err != nil {
// check the connection
err = client.Ping(context.Background(), nil)
if err != nil {
// TODO optional you can log your connected MongoDB client
return client
func CloseClientDB() {
if client == nil {
err := client.Disconnect(context.TODO())
if err != nil {
// TODO optional you can log your closed MongoDB client
fmt.Println("Connection to MongoDB closed.")
func main() {
// TODO add your main code here
defer application.CloseClientDB()
在您的存储库或服务中,您现在可以轻松获得 MongoDB 客户端:
// account_repository.go
// TODO add here your account repository interface
func (repository *accountRepository) getClient() *mongo.Client {
if repository.client != nil {
return repository.client
repository.client = application.ResolveClientDB()
return repository.client
func (repository *accountRepository) FindOneByFilter(filter bson.D) (*model.Account, error) {
var account *model.Account
collection := repository.getClient().Database("yourDB").Collection("account")
err := collection.FindOne(context.Background(), filter).Decode(&account)
return account, err
TA贡献1836条经验 获得超13个赞
在 Python 中执行此操作的最佳方法是将数据库连接编写为单例,然后使用“atexit”模块来装饰断开连接的函数。这确保了连接只被实例化一次,因为我们不想打开多个连接,因为我们想要共享一个连接,并且在程序结束时连接断开。
import atexit
from pymongo import MongoClient
class MongoDB:
'''define class attributes'''
__instance = None
def getInstance():
""" Static access method. """
# if the instance doesnt exist envoke the constructor
if MongoDB.__instance == None:
# return instance
return MongoDB.__instance
def __init__(self) -> None:
""" Virtually private constructor. """
if MongoDB.__instance != None:
raise Exception("Singleton cannot be instantiated more than once")
print("Creating MongoDB connection")
# set instance and instance attributes
self.client = MongoClient(config.CONNECTION_STRING)
MongoDB.__instance = self
def closeConnection():
Python '__del__' aka destructor dunder doesnt always get called
mainly when program is terminated by ctrl-c so this method is decorated
by 'atexit' which ensures this method is called upon program termination
if MongoDB.__instance != None:
print("Closing Connections")
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