2 回答
TA贡献2051条经验 获得超10个赞
if (source=="inputPPMtoGrav") {
if (source=="inputGravtoPPM") {
TA贡献1836条经验 获得超5个赞
<form id='main'><!-- EVERYTHING --></form>
将事件绑定"input"到<form>并调用事件处理程序(即处理触发事件的函数)。参考:JavaScript 事件处理
document.forms.main.oninput = inputHandler;
定义function inputHandler()——记得传递事件对象
function inputHandler(event) {...
定义所有变量——参考:在 JavaScript 中获取表单和表单元素的引用
// Collect all form controls into a NodeList
const field = this.elements;
// Find the element user interacted with
const input = event.target;
// Reference any form control by #id or [name] attribute by prefixing it with `field`
const aW = field.assayWeight;
// Assign a variable to form control values and convert them into a real Number
let AWT = parseFloat(aW.value);
if (input.matches('#assayWeight')) {...
HTML/CSS 布局和样式具有一个切换系统,它允许用户输入“测定重量”和“PPM”或“Grav”。将鼠标悬停在标题上,然后单击一个,然后单击另一个以查看切换。请参阅:通过选中的单选按钮公开表单字段
.mask {
display: none
[name=conv]:checked + fieldset .mask {
display: inline-block;
document.forms.convPpmG.oninput = convert;
function convert(event) {
const field = this.elements;
const input = event.target;
const awt = field.aWt;
const ppm = field.pPM;
const grv = field.grv;
const gtp = field.gToP;
const ptg = field.pToG;
let AWT = parseFloat(awt.value);
let PPMin = parseFloat(ppm.value);
let GRVin = parseFloat(grv.value);
if (input.matches('#aWt')) {
// log(AWT, "Assay Weight");
if (input.matches('#pPM')) {
// log(PPMin, "PPM Input");
let GRVout = PPMin * AWT / 1000;
// log(GRVout, "Grav Output");
ptg.value = GRVout.toFixed(4);
if (input.matches('#grv')) {
// log(GRVin, "Grav Input");
let PPMout = GRVin * 1000 / AWT;
// log(PPMout, "PPM Output");
gtp.value = PPMout.toFixed(4);
// A utility logger - not required
const log = (data, key = 'Field') => console.log(JSON.stringify(key + ': ' + data));
body {
font: 400 3vw/1.5 Consolas, monospace;
fieldset fieldset {
min-height: 20vh;
output {
width: 10ch;
margin-right: 5px;
margin-bottom: 8px;
font: inherit;
text-align: right;
#aWt {
display: inline-block;
[type=reset] {
text-align: center;
.switch {
padding: 3px 5px;
.switch:hover {
color: tomato;
background: rgba(56, 87, 199, 0.4);
cursor: pointer;
.mask {
display: none
[name=conv]:checked+fieldset .mask {
display: inline-block;
<form id='convPpmG'>
<legend>PPM / Grav Convertor</legend>
<label>Assay Weight</label>
<input id="aWt" type="number" min='0' value="0">
<input type='reset'>
<input id='ppmToGrav' name='conv' type='radio'>
<label for='ppmToGrav' class='switch'>PPM to Grav</label>
<label class='mask'>
PPM: <input id="pPM" type="number" min='0' value="0">
to Grav: <output id='pToG'>0</output> mg
<input id='gravToPPM' name='conv' type='radio'>
<label for='gravToPPM' class='switch'>Grav to PPM</label>
<label class='mask'>
Grav: <input id="grv" type="number" min='0' value="0">
mg to PPM: <output id='gToP'>0</output>