我遇到了 Heroku 的部署问题。昨天,我能够毫无问题地进行部署——今天早上,我在 MongoDB 上构建了一个新集群,并使用新的连接字符串将更改推送到 git。没有进行其他更改。推送到 git 后,我跑了git push heroku master,遇到以下错误:. . .remote: added 1812 packages from 857 contributors and audited 932744 packages in 66.192sremote: remote: 65 packages are looking for fundingremote: run `npm fund` for detailsremote: remote: found 0 vulnerabilitiesremote: remote: remote: > client@0.1.0 build /tmp/build_3fd8925946ec2800b115594ca20fb426/clientremote: > react-scripts buildremote: remote: Creating an optimized production build...remote: Failed to compile.remote: remote: ./node_modules/simple-react-lightbox/dist/index.es.jsremote: Cannot find module: 'fast-deep-equal/react'. Make sure this package is installed.remote: remote: You can install this package by running: yarn add fast-deep-equal/react.. . .自然,我做的第一件事就是尝试yarn add fast-deep-equal/react按照建议运行,这引发了下一个错误,error Command failed.Exit code: 128Command: gitArguments: ls-remote --tags --heads ssh://git@github.com/fast-deep-equal/react.gitDirectory: /Users/me/my-appOutput:Host key verification failed.fatal: Could not read from remote repository.Please make sure you have the correct access rightsand the repository exists.我已经调试了几个小时了,我似乎无法找到解决方案。这里会发生什么?