我正在将 GUI 改装到我制作的用于管理屏幕截图的 CLI 工具上。每当我运行该文件时,尽管对代码进行了三次检查,但没有出现任何 GUI。我尝试重构并寻找永不中断的循环,但我没有找到任何东西。我还将我的代码与 Tkinter 上的一些教程进行了比较,没有发现任何问题。这是代码:import os, time, shutilfrom tkinter import *class App: def __init__(self, root): self.root = root self.path_to_watch = "" # set to wherever your screenshots save by default self.new_dir = "" # set to where you want files moved to # create widgets path_box = Entry(root) path_box.pack() new_dir_box = Entry(root) new_dir_box.pack() # continuously fetch input while True: try: path_to_watch = path_box.get() new_dir = new_dir_box.get() except Exception: pass # create button that executes the clean b = Button(root, text="Clean", command=move_file()) b.pack() def move_file(self): directory = os.listdir(path_to_watch) words = ['Screen','Shot','Screenshot'] # keywords for default OSX Screenshots for i in directory: src = path_to_watch + i new_dir_filename = new_dir + i filename = i.split() for w in filename: if w in words: if os.path.isdir(new_dir): shutil.move(src, new_dir_filename) break else: os.mkdir(new_dir) shutil.move(src, new_dir_filename) breakif __name__ == '__main__': root = Tk() AppGUI = App(root) AppGUI.pack() root.mainloop()我希望它在运行时构建一个 GUI,但没有任何反应。