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似乎cy.trigger()我们需要使用原生事件而不是使用 ,以使 Leaflet 认为地图正在拖动。
我们编写了一个自定义 Cypress 命令dragMapFromCenter,使用它看起来像这样:
// Go 1/6 of map container width to the right (negative direction)
xMoveFactor: -1 / 6,
// Go 1/3 of map container height to the top (positive direction)
yMoveFactor: 1 / 3
// We need to wait for something to happen after map starts moving
这是dragMapFromCenter. 将其放入cypress/support/commands.js以便能够在测试中使用它。
// # cy.get('#map-canvas').dragMapFromCenter({ xMoveFactor: 0.25, yMoveFactor: -0.5 })
// Allows dragging a Leaflet map by the given amounts. A factor of 1 means the map
// will be dragged the whole width of the map canvas in X direction and the whole
// height of the map canvas in Y direction.
{ prevSubject: 'element' },
(element, { xMoveFactor, yMoveFactor }) => {
// Get the raw HTML element from jQuery wrapper
const canvas = element.get(0);
const rect = canvas.getBoundingClientRect();
const center = {
x: rect.left + rect.width / 2,
y: rect.top + rect.height / 2
// Start dragging from the center of the map
cy.log('mousedown', {
clientX: center.x,
clientY: center.y
new MouseEvent('mousedown', {
clientX: center.x,
clientY: center.y
// Let Leaflet know the mouse has started to move. The diff between
// mousedown and mousemove event needs to be large enough so that Leaflet
// will really think the mouse is moving and not that it was a click where
// the mouse moved just a tiny amount.
cy.log('mousemove', {
clientX: center.x,
clientY: center.y + 5
new MouseEvent('mousemove', {
clientX: center.x,
clientY: center.y + 5,
bubbles: true
// After Leaflet knows mouse is moving, we move the mouse as depicted by the options.
cy.log('mousemove', {
clientX: center.x + rect.width * xMoveFactor,
clientY: center.y + rect.height * yMoveFactor
new MouseEvent('mousemove', {
clientX: center.x + rect.width * xMoveFactor,
clientY: center.y + rect.height * yMoveFactor,
bubbles: true
// Now when we "release" the mouse, Leaflet will fire a "dragend" event and
// the search should register that the drag has stopped and run callbacks.
cy.log('mouseup', {
clientX: center.x + rect.width * xMoveFactor,
clientY: center.y + rect.height * yMoveFactor
requestAnimationFrame(() => {
new MouseEvent('mouseup', {
clientX: center.x + rect.width * xMoveFactor,
clientY: center.y + rect.height * yMoveFactor,
bubbles: true