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TA贡献1856条经验 获得超17个赞
来自 Google Group 主题的 Jakob 题为“ Single Scrapy Project vs. Multiple Projects for various Sources ”推荐:
假设您正在从所有目标站点中抓取用户配置文件,那么您可能有一个项目管道来清理和验证用户头像,并将它们导出到您的“头像”数据库中。将所有蜘蛛放到同一个项目中是有意义的。毕竟,它们都使用相同的管道,因为无论从何处抓取数据,数据始终具有相同的形状。另一方面,如果您从 Stack Overflow、维基百科的用户资料和 Github 中抓取问题,并且您以不同的方式验证/处理/导出所有这些数据类型,则将蜘蛛放入单独的项目中会更有意义.
Pablo Hoffman 是 Scrapy 的开发者之一,他在另一个帖子“ Scrapy spider vs project ”中回应道:
我们有时会在蜘蛛名称上使用前缀,例如 film_spider1、film_spider2、actor_spider1、actor_spider2 等。有时我们还会编写抓取多种项目类型的蜘蛛,因为当抓取的页面有很大重叠时,它更有意义。
TA贡献1804条经验 获得超8个赞
首先,当我写这样的路径时'/path',因为我是 Ubuntu 用户。如果您是 Windows 用户,请调整它。那是文件管理系统的问题。
假设您想抓取2 个或更多不同的网站。第一个是泳装零售网站。二是关于天气。您想同时了解这两种情况,因为您想观察泳衣价格和天气之间的联系,以便预测较低的购买价格。
请注意pipelines.py我将使用 mongo 集合,因为这是我使用的,我暂时不需要 SQL。如果您不了解 mongo,请考虑将集合等同于关系数据库中的表。
scrapy 项目可能如下所示:
spiderswebsites.py, 在这里你可以写下你想要的蜘蛛数量。
import scrapy
from ..items.py import SwimItem, WeatherItem
#if sometimes you have trouble to import from parent directory you can do
#import sys
class SwimSpider(scrapy.Spider):
name = "swimsuit"
start_urls = ['https://www.swimsuit.com']
def parse (self, response):
price = response.xpath('span[@class="price"]/text()').extract()
model = response.xpath('span[@class="model"]/text()').extract()
... # and so on
item = SwimItem() #needs to be called -> ()
item['price'] = price
item['model'] = model
... # and so on
return item
class WeatherSpider(scrapy.Spider):
name = "weather"
start_urls = ['https://www.weather.com']
def parse (self, response):
temperature = response.xpath('span[@class="temp"]/text()').extract()
cloud = response.xpath('span[@class="cloud_perc"]/text()').extract()
... # and so on
item = WeatherItem() #needs to be called -> ()
item['temperature'] = temperature
item['cloud'] = cloud
... # and so on
return item
items.py, 在这里你可以写下你想要的项目模式的数量。
import scrapy
class SwimItem(scrapy.Item):
price = scrapy.Field()
stock = scrapy.Field()
model = scrapy.Field()
class WeatherItem(scrapy.Item):
temperature = scrapy.Field()
cloud = scrapy.Field()
pressure = scrapy.Field()
pipelines.py,我在哪里使用 Mongo
import pymongo
from .items import SwimItem,WeatherItem
from .spiders.spiderswebsites import SwimSpider , WeatherSpider
class ScrapePipeline(object):
def __init__(self, mongo_uri, mongo_db):
self.mongo_uri = mongo_uri
self.mongo_db = mongo_db
@classmethod #this is a decorator, that's a powerful tool in Python
def from_crawler(cls, crawler):
return cls(
mongo_db=crawler.settings.get('MONGODB_DB', 'defautlt-test')
def open_spider(self, spider):
self.client = pymongo.MongoClient(self.mongo_uri)
self.db = self.client[self.mongo_db]
def close_spider(self, spider):
def process_item(self, item, spider):
if isinstance(spider, SwimItem):
self.collection_name = 'swimwebsite'
elif isinstance(spider, WeatherItem):
self.collection_name = 'weatherwebsite'
因此,当您查看我的示例项目时,您会发现该项目根本不依赖于项目模式,因为您可以在同一个项目中使用多种项目。在上面的模式中,优点是您可以根据settings.py需要保留相同的配置。但是不要忘记你可以“自定义”你的蜘蛛的命令。如果您希望您的蜘蛛运行与默认设置稍有不同,您可以设置为scrapy crawl spider -s DOWNLOAD_DELAY=35而不是25您编写的settings.py设置。
functions.py, 定制模块
from re import search
def cloud_temp(response): #for WeatherSpider
"""returns a tuple containing temperature and percentage of clouds"""
temperature = response.xpath('span[@class="temp"]/text()').extract() #returns a str as " 12°C"
cloud = response.xpath('span[@class="cloud_perc"]/text()').extract() #returns a str as "30%"
#treatments, you want to record it as integer
temperature = int(re.search(r'[0-9]+',temperature).group()) #returns int as 12
cloud = int(re.search(r'[0-9]+',cloud).group()) #returns int as 30
return (cloud,temperature)
import scrapy
from items.py import SwimItem, WeatherItem
from functions.py import *
class WeatherSpider(scrapy.Spider):
name = "weather"
start_urls = ['https://www.weather.com']
def parse (self, response):
cloud , temperature = cloud_temp(response) "this is shorter than the previous one
... # and so on
item = WeatherItem() #needs to be called -> ()
item['temperature'] = temperature
item['cloud'] = cloud
... # and so on
return item
此外,它在调试方面也有相当大的改进。假设我想做一个scrapy shell session。
>>> scrapy shell https://www.weather.com
#I check in the sys path if the directory where my `functions.py` module is present.
>>> import sys
>>> sys.path #returns a list of paths
>>> #if the directory is not present
>>> sys.path.insert(0, '/path/directory')
>>> #then I can now import my module in this session, and test in the shell, while I modify in the file functions.py itself
>>> from functions.py import *
>>> cloud_temp(response) #checking if it returns what I want.
这比复制和粘贴一段代码更舒服。而且因为 Python 是一种用于函数式编程的优秀编程语言,所以您应该从中受益。这就是为什么我告诉你“更一般地说,如果你限制行数,提高可读性,限制错误,任何模式都是有效的。” 它的可读性越高,您就越能限制错误。您编写的行数越少(例如避免复制和粘贴对不同变量的相同处理),您限制的错误就越少。因为当你纠正一个函数本身时,你纠正了所有依赖它的东西。