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TA贡献2021条经验 获得超8个赞
在这个问题中,我们有一个顺序模式,我们可以将“start_no”和“end_no”列转换为所需数据帧的列。当我们采用类似的值时(start_no0, end_no0, start_no1, end_no1, ...),我们实际上得到了“start_no”和“end_no”所需列的最大部分。通过简单的修复,我们可以获得完全相同的列。相同的逻辑可以应用于 start_date 和 end_date,因为它们代表相同的事物。
由于您有不同的工作站和机器值,我们可以通过使用 Stat.、Mac.、start_date、end_date 索引来将问题分组。在代码中,我试图通过忽略原始数据集中的时间字段来获取当天的所有值。基本上我只是对数据进行分组并迭代每个组以创建一个包含您想要的信息的新数据框。
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
data = pd.read_excel("sample_2.xlsx")
# transform (start|end)_date as only date without time
data["_sDate"] = data.start_date.apply(lambda x: x.strftime("%Y-%m-%d"))
data["_eDate"] = data.end_date.apply(lambda x: x.strftime("%Y-%m-%d"))
# group the data by following columns
grouped = data.groupby(["Station","Machine","_sDate","_eDate"])
# container for storing result of each group
container = []
# iterate the groups
for name, group in grouped:
# sort them by start_number
group = group.sort_values("start_number")
# get (start|end)_numbers into a flatten array
nums = group[["start_number", "end_number"]].values.flatten()
# get (start|end)_date into a flatten array
dates = group[["start_date", "end_date"]].values.flatten()
## insert required values to nums and dates
# we add the first pause time at index 1 to show first working interval
dates = np.insert(dates, 1 , dates[0] + nums[0]*10**9)
# we add 0 in the beginning of the array to show first working interval
nums = np.insert(nums, 0, 0)
# create df
nrow = nums.size-1 # decrement, because we add one additional element
newdf = pd.DataFrame({
"Station": np.tile(("A"),nrow),
"Machine": np.tile(("B"),nrow),
"start_date": dates[:-1],
"end_date": dates[1:],
"start_no": nums[:-1],
"end_no": nums[1:],
"status": np.tile(["working", "pause"], nrow//2)
df_final = pd.concat(container)
df_final.index = range(0,df_final.shape[0])
TA贡献1891条经验 获得超3个赞
一种快速但缓慢的方法可能是遍历所有行并检查当前 + 下一行。您只有 1000 行,所以现在就可以了。这看起来像这样:
import pandas as pd
df = pd.read_excel("sample_2.xlsx")
df['status'] = 'pause'
df = df.sort_values(['Workcenter','Machine','Error_Reason','Class','start_date','start_time', 'end_date','end_time']).reset_index()
new_df = df.copy()
number_rows = len(df)-1
for i in range(number_rows):
row = df.loc[i]
next_row = df.loc[i+1]
new_row = row
new_row['status'] = 'working'
new_row['start_date'] = row['end_date']
new_row['end_date'] = next_row['start_date']
new_row['start_number'] = row['end_number']
new_row['end_number'] = next_row['start_number']
new_df = new_df.append(new_row)
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