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使用反射来操作结构字段的值。以下是我在评论中写的概念证明。由于这只是一个 poc,您可能需要调整/修改代码以满足您的需求。
func redact(target interface{}, fieldsToModify []string) {
// if target is not pointer, then immediately return
// modifying struct's field requires addresable object
addrValue := reflect.ValueOf(target)
if addrValue.Kind() != reflect.Ptr {
// if target is not struct then immediatelly return
// this might need to be modified as per your needs
targetValue := addrValue.Elem()
targetType := targetValue.Type()
if targetType.Kind() != reflect.Struct {
// loop the fields
for i := 0; i < targetType.NumField(); i++ {
fType := targetType.Field(i)
fValue := targetValue.Field(i)
// if the field type is struct, then call redact() recursively
if fValue.Kind() == reflect.Struct {
redact(fValue.Addr().Interface(), fieldsToModify)
// if the field is slice, loop then call redact() recursively
if fValue.Kind() == reflect.Array || fValue.Kind() == reflect.Slice {
for i := 0; i < fValue.Len(); i++ {
redact(fValue.Index(i).Addr().Interface(), fieldsToModify)
// loop the fieldsToModify
for _, fieldToModify := range fieldsToModify {
if fieldToModify == fType.Name && fValue.CanSet() {
type Thing2 struct {
D bool `json:"d,omitempty"`
E int `json:"e,omitempty"`
type Thing1 struct {
A string `json:"a,omitempty"`
B int `json:"b,omitempty"`
C Thing2 `json:"c,omitempty"`
H []Thing2 `json:"h,omitempty"`
thing1 := Thing1{
A: "test",
B: 42,
C: Thing2{D: true, E: 43},
H: []Thing2{Thing2{D: true, E: 43}},
fmt.Printf("before: %#v \n", thing1)
// before: main.Thing1{A:"test", B:42, C:main.Thing2{D:true, E:43}, H:[]main.Thing2{main.Thing2{D:true, E:43}}}
redact(&thing1, []string{"B", "D"})
fmt.Printf("after: %#v \n", thing1)
// after: main.Thing1{A:"test", B:0, C:main.Thing2{D:false, E:43}, H:[]main.Thing2{main.Thing2{D:false, E:43}}}
游乐场: https: //play.golang.org/p/wy39DGdSVV7
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