1 回答
TA贡献1777条经验 获得超3个赞
// here we are creating a subject and pass the data from body component and subscribe the data from footer component
import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
import {HttpClient} from '@angular/common/http';
import { Subject, Observable, BehaviorSubject } from 'rxjs';
import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
import { filter, map } from 'rxjs/operators';
providedIn: 'root'
export class StarwarsService {
// subject
protected _eventsSubject = new Subject<Event>();
constructor(private http: HttpClient) { }
broadcast(key: any, value: any) {
this._eventsSubject.next({ key, value });
on<T>(key: any): Observable<T> {
return this._eventsSubject.asObservable()
filter(e => e.key === key),
map(e => e.value)
getPeoples() {
return this.http.get('https://swapi.co/api/people/ ');
getPeople(id) {
return this.http.get(`https://swapi.co/api/people/${id} `);
getPlanets() {
return this.http.get('https://swapi.co/api/planets/ ');
getPlanet(id) {
return this.http.get(`https://swapi.co/api/planets/${id} `);
getStarships() {
return this.http.get('https://swapi.co/api/starships/ ');
getStarship(id) {
return this.http.get(`https://swapi.co/api/starships/${id} `);
// here we are sending data into our subject
import { Component, Output, EventEmitter, OnInit } from '@angular/core';
import { StarwarsService } from '../starwars.service';
selector: 'app-body',
templateUrl: './body.component.html',
styleUrls: ['./body.component.scss']
export class BodyComponent implements OnInit {
peoples: unknown[];
specificPerson: any;
constructor(private starwarsService: StarwarsService) { }
ngOnInit() {
this.starwarsService.getPeoples().subscribe(results => {
this.peoples = results.results;
// this function will triger when you select the value on checkbox
onPersonChange() {
// here we are sending the data and our key name is starwarsData so by using
this key we can be able to fetch the data in footer component
this.starwarsService.broadcast('starwarsData', this.specificPerson);
<nav class="navbar navbar-default">
<div class="container-fluid">
<ul class="nav nav-pills nav-fill">
<li class="nav-item col-md-3">
<a href="/people" routerLink="/people" routerLinkActive="active">People</a>
<li class="nav-item col-md-3">
<a href="/planets" routerLink="/planets" routerLinkActive="active">Planets</a>
<li class="nav-item col-md-3">
<a href="/starships" routerLink="/starships" routerLinkActive="active">Starships</a>
<select ()>
<option *ngFor="let people of peoples">
<select [(ngModel)]="specificPerson" class="form-control" (change)="onPersonChange()">
<option *ngFor="let people of peoples" [ngValue]="people.name">{{people.name}}</option>
// here we are fetching the data by using our subject
import { Component, OnInit, Input } from '@angular/core';
import { StarwarsService } from '../starwars.service';
selector: 'app-footer',
templateUrl: './footer.component.html',
styleUrls: ['./footer.component.scss']
export class FooterComponent implements OnInit {
personData: any;
constructor(private starwarsService: StarwarsService) { }
ngOnInit() {
// "starwarsData" is our key name which have our data
this.starwarsService.on('starwarsData').subscribe(response => {
this.personData = response;