3 回答
TA贡献1831条经验 获得超9个赞
我认为您不刷新的主要问题是您永远不会关闭打开的句柄。这可能会导致问题,因为不应该有多个打开的句柄 afaik。
Declare PtrSafe Function WlanCloseHandle Lib "Wlanapi.dll" ( _
ByVal hClientHandle As LongPtr, _
Optional ByVal pReserved As LongPtr) As Long
WlanCloseHandle lngHandle 'Close handle
GetWiFi = wifiOut 'Success! (function is populated with cached network list)
End Function
任何错误处理程序,如果要添加一个,应该测试句柄是否不为 0,如果不是,则关闭它。
我还更改了各种小东西,例如使用LongPtrfor 指针使您的代码与 64 位兼容(注意:它不兼容 VBA6,需要大量条件编译),重新编写声明以不使用可选参数,以及一些其他小事。
我在一个设备上用 10 次迭代测试了以下代码,得到了 10 个不同的结果:
Public Function GetWiFi() As wifis()
'returns an array of custom type WiFis (1st interface only)
Dim lngReturn As Long, pHandle As LongPtr, lngVersion As Long, pList As LongPtr, pAvailable As LongPtr
Dim pStart As LongPtr, intCount As Integer, ssid As String, signal As Single, wifiOut() As wifis
Dim n As Long
n = 0
lngReturn = WlanOpenHandle(2&, 0&, lngVersion, pHandle) 'get handle
If lngReturn <> 0 Then
Debug.Print "Couldn't get wlan handle (Code " & lngReturn & ")"
Exit Function
End If
lngReturn = WlanEnumInterfaces(ByVal pHandle, 0&, pList) 'enumerate <*first interface only*>
CopyMemory udtList, ByVal pList, Len(udtList)
lngReturn = WlanScan(pHandle, udtList.InterfaceInfo.ifGuid)
lngReturn = WlanGetAvailableNetworkList(pHandle, udtList.InterfaceInfo.ifGuid, 2&, 0&, pAvailable) 'get network list
CopyMemory udtAvailList, ByVal pAvailable, LenB(udtAvailList)
intCount = 0
pStart = pAvailable + 8
CopyMemory udtNetwork, ByVal pStart, Len(udtNetwork) ' Populate avail. network structure
ssid = Replace(StrConv(udtNetwork.dot11Ssid.ucSSID, vbUnicode), Chr(0), "")
If Len(ssid) < 4 Then ssid = "(Unnamed)"
signal = CSng(udtNetwork.wlanSignalQuality) / 100
'[Signal] = 0 to 100 which represents the signal strength (100 Signal)=(-100dBm RSSI), (100 Signal)=(-50dBm RSSI)
If udtNetwork.dwflags = 0 Then
n = n + 1
ReDim Preserve wifiOut(n)
wifiOut(n).ssid = ssid
wifiOut(n).signal = signal
'skipping networks with [dwflags] > 0
'I *think* that's what I'm supposed to do
'Returns 3 for currently connected network, 2 for networks that have profiles
End If
intCount = intCount + 1
pStart = pStart + Len(udtNetwork)
Loop Until intCount = udtAvailList.dwNumberOfItems
WlanFreeMemory pAvailable 'clean up memory
WlanFreeMemory pList
WlanCloseHandle pHandle 'Close handle
GetWiFi = wifiOut 'Success! (function is populated with cached network list)
End Function
Private Const DOT11_SSID_MAX_LENGTH As Long = 32
Private Const WLAN_MAX_PHY_TYPE_NUMBER As Long = 8
Public Type GUID
Data(15) As Byte
End Type
ifGuid As GUID: InterfaceDescription(255) As Byte: IsState As Long
End Type
Private Type DOT11_SSID
uSSIDLength As Long: ucSSID(DOT11_SSID_MAX_LENGTH - 1) As Byte
End Type
strProfileName(511) As Byte: dot11Ssid As DOT11_SSID
dot11BssType As Long: uNumberOfBssids As Long
bNetworkConnectable As Long: wlanNotConnectableReason As Long
uNumberOfPhyTypes As Long: dot11PhyTypes(WLAN_MAX_PHY_TYPE_NUMBER - 1) As Long
bMorePhyTypes As Long: wlanSignalQuality As Long
bSEcurityEnabled As Long: dot11DefaultAuthAlgorithm As Long
dot11DefaultCipherAlgorithm As Long: dwflags As Long: dwReserved As Long
End Type
dwNumberOfItems As Long: dwIndex As Long: InterfaceInfo As WLAN_INTERFACE_INFO
End Type
dwNumberOfItems As Long: dwIndex As Long: Network As WLAN_AVAILABLE_NETWORK
End Type
Public Type WiFis
ssid As String: signal As Single
End Type
Declare PtrSafe Function WlanOpenHandle Lib "Wlanapi.dll" (ByVal dwClientVersion As Long, _
ByVal pdwReserved As LongPtr, ByRef pdwNegotiaitedVersion As Long, _
ByRef phClientHandle As LongPtr) As Long
Declare PtrSafe Function WlanEnumInterfaces Lib "Wlanapi.dll" (ByVal hClientHandle As LongPtr, _
ByVal pReserved As LongPtr, ByRef ppInterfaceList As LongPtr) As Long
Declare PtrSafe Function WlanGetAvailableNetworkList Lib "Wlanapi.dll" ( _
ByVal hClientHandle As LongPtr, ByRef pInterfaceGuid As GUID, ByVal dwflags As Long, _
ByVal pReserved As LongPtr, ByRef ppAvailableNetworkList As LongPtr) As Long
Declare PtrSafe Sub CopyMemory Lib "kernel32" Alias "RtlMoveMemory" (Destination As Any, _
Source As Any, ByVal Length As Long)
Declare PtrSafe Function WlanScan Lib "Wlanapi.dll" _
(ByVal hClientHandle As LongPtr, ByRef pInterfaceGuid As GUID, _
Optional ByVal pDot11Ssid As LongPtr, Optional ByVal pIeData As LongPtr, _
Optional ByVal pReserved As LongPtr) As Long
Declare PtrSafe Function WlanCloseHandle Lib "Wlanapi.dll" ( _
ByVal hClientHandle As LongPtr, _
Optional ByVal pReserved As LongPtr) As Long
Declare PtrSafe Sub WlanFreeMemory Lib "Wlanapi.dll" (ByVal pMemory As LongPtr)
Public Sub PrintWifis()
Dim aWifis() As wifis
aWifis = GetWiFi
Dim l As Long
For l = LBound(aWifis) To UBound(aWifis)
Debug.Print aWifis(l).ssid; aWifis(l).signal
End Sub
TA贡献1770条经验 获得超3个赞
当然有一种迂回的方法可以从 VBA 刷新网络列表?我很喜欢可以自动化的变通办法……什么?!
Sub ClickIt()
With CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
.Run "%windir%\explorer.exe ms-availablenetworks:"
End With
End Sub
您“可以”在应用程序之后使用 mouse_event 关闭它。等待需要一些时间来刷新
TA贡献1900条经验 获得超5个赞
这个项目之所以成为一项任务,是因为它看起来很简单,有好几次。我的第一次尝试捕获了的输出,netsh wlan show networks mode=bssid但我无法刷新列表。认为如果我切换到 API 方法 ( WlanScan+ WlanGetAvailableNetworkList)刷新会很容易,我从头开始,然后才意识到我仍然无法刷新数据。
发布此问题后,EvR 的回答最终/最终使我能够在 Windows 通知区域中打开/关闭网络连接列表,这会刷新缓存的文本,因此我第三次重写了该过程,重新使用netsh. 我终于得到了尝试 #3 的工作(如下),然后看到了 Erik 的答案,它实现了相同的结果……但“hacky”要少得多,速度快 25 倍。
所以,我显然会选择“最终尝试#4”,但我想无论如何我都会发布这个替代答案,因为其中一些概念很容易转移到其他问题上 黑客 需要修复。
Option Compare Binary
Option Explicit
Public Declare Function ShellExecute Lib "Shell32.dll" Alias "ShellExecuteA" (ByVal hWnd _
As LongPtr, ByVal lpOperation As String, ByVal lpFile As String, ByVal lpParameters _
As String, ByVal lpDirectory As String, ByVal nShowCmd As LongPtr) As LongPtr
Public Declare Function GetWindowText Lib "User32.dll" Alias "GetWindowTextA" _
(ByVal hWnd As LongPtr, ByVal lpString As String, ByVal cch As LongPtr) As LongPtr
Public Declare Function GetForegroundWindow Lib "User32.dll" () As LongPtr
Type WiFis
ssid As String 'wifi network name
signal As Single 'wifi signal strength%
End Type
Private Function IsNetworksWindow(hWnd As Long, nCaption As String) As Boolean
'returns TRUE if the window caption (title) of window [hWnd]=[nCaption]
Dim title As String * 255
GetWindowText hWnd, title, 255 'get window caption
IsNetworksWindow = (nCaption = Left$(title, Len(nCaption)))
End Function
Sub RefreshWifiList()
'open "available networks" window (to refresh cached network list)
Const clsID = "shell:::{38A98528-6CBF-4CA9-8DC0-B1E1D10F7B1B}" 'clsid of req'd window
Const nCaption = "View Available Networks" 'title of req'd window
Dim retVal As LongPtr
retVal = ShellExecute(0, "open", clsID, "", "", 0) 'open clsID
If retVal < 33 Then Stop 'Error. Full list here: [http://oehive.org/node/528]
DoEvents: Loop While Not IsNetworksWindow(GetForegroundWindow, nCaption) 'wait for refresh
ThisWorkbook.Activate: AppActivate Application.Caption 'return to Excel
End Sub
Public Function getCmdLineOutput(cmd As String) As String
'run cmdline in hidden window and return string of output
Dim tmpFile As String: tmpFile = Environ("temp") & "\cmd_out.tmp" 'create tmp file
If Dir(tmpFile) <> "" Then Kill tmpFile 'delete tmp file
With CreateObject("WScript.Shell") 'run cmdline command
.Run "cmd /c """ & cmd & """ > " & tmpFile, 0, True '0=Hide Window
End With
With CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") 'open fso
getCmdLineOutput = Trim(.opentextfile(tmpFile).ReadAll()) 'read temp file
.DeleteFile tmpFile 'delete temp file
End With
End Function
Public Function GetWiFi() As WiFis()
'extract [ssid]'s & [signal]'s from list to populate array of networks
Dim stNet As String, pStart As Long, pStop As Long: pStop = 1
Dim ssid As String, signal As String, wiFi() As WiFis: ReDim wiFi(0 To 0)
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
RefreshWifiList 'refresh wifi list
stNet = getCmdLineOutput("netsh wlan show networks mode=bssid") 'get network list
stNet = Mid$(stNet, InStr(stNet, "SSID")) 'trim extraneous chars
stNet = Replace(Replace(Replace(stNet, " ", ""), vbCrLf, ""), vbLf & vbLf, vbLf)
Do While InStr(pStop, stNet, "SSID") > 0
pStart = InStr(InStr(pStop, stNet, "SSID"), stNet, ":") + 1 'find ssid start
pStop = InStr(pStart, stNet, "Networktype") 'find ssid stop
ssid = Mid$(stNet, pStart, pStop - pStart) 'extract ssid
pStart = InStr(pStop, stNet, "Signal:") + 7 'find signal start
pStop = InStr(pStart, stNet, "%") 'find signal stop
signal = CSng(Mid$(stNet, pStart, pStop - pStart)) / 100 'extract signal
If signal = 0 Then Stop: If ssid = "" Then ssid = "(Unnamed)" 'validate
ReDim Preserve wiFi(UBound(wiFi) + 1) 'populate array
wiFi(UBound(wiFi)).ssid = ssid: wiFi(UBound(wiFi)).signal = signal
GetWiFi = wiFi
End Function
Sub demo()
Dim wiFi() As WiFis, netNum As Long
wiFi() = GetWiFi() 'populate array of networks
For netNum = 1 To UBound(wiFi) 'loop through networks
With wiFi(netNum)
Debug.Print .ssid, Format(.signal, "0%") 'print ssid & signal
End With
Next netNum
End Sub
Sub timeTest_listNetworks()
Dim wiFi() As WiFis, netNum As Long, n As Long
Dim startTime As Single, allTime As Single: allTime = Timer
For n = 1 To 5 'repeat test 5x
Erase wiFi() 'clear array
startTime = Timer
wiFi() = GetWiFi() 'refresh array of networks
For netNum = 1 To UBound(wiFi) 'loop through networks
Debug.Print wiFi(netNum).ssid & "=" & Format(wiFi(netNum).signal, "0%") & " ";
Next netNum
Debug.Print "(" & Round(Timer - startTime, 1) & " sec)"
Next n
Debug.Print "Total: " & Round(Timer - allTime, 1) & " sec"
End Sub
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