2 回答

TA贡献1876条经验 获得超6个赞
sort_values 做的 tail
df.sort_values('value').groupby('year').tail(2) # when need continue position
year item value
1 1990 b 200
2 1990 c 300
5 1992 f 600
6 1992 g 700
8 1993 i 900
9 1993 j 990
df.sort_values('value').groupby('year',as_index=False).nth([-2,-1])#more flexible you can pick 1,-1
year item value
1 1990 b 200
2 1990 c 300
5 1992 f 600
6 1992 g 700
8 1993 i 900
9 1993 j 990
%timeit df.sort_values('value').groupby('year').tail(2)
1000 loops, best of 3: 894 µs per loop
%timeit df.groupby('year')['value'].apply(lambda x: x.nlargest(2)).reset_index()
100 loops, best of 3: 2.76 ms per loop

TA贡献1821条经验 获得超6个赞
当我们有 NaN 时
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame({'item': list('abcdefghijk'),
'year': [1990,1990,1990,1992,1992,1992,1992,1993,1993,1993,1993],
'value':[10 , 11 ,12 ,20 ,21 ,22 ,23 ,30 ,31 ,32 ,np.nan]})
item year value
0 a 1990 10.0
1 b 1990 11.0
2 c 1990 12.0
3 d 1992 20.0
4 e 1992 21.0
5 f 1992 22.0
6 g 1992 23.0
7 h 1993 30.0
8 i 1993 31.0
9 j 1993 32.0
10 k 1993 NaN
top2 = df.groupby('year')['value'].apply(lambda x: x.nlargest(2)).reset_index(level=0)
# time: 2.96ms
item year value
2 c 1990 12.0
1 b 1990 11.0
6 g 1992 23.0
5 f 1992 22.0
9 j 1993 32.0
8 i 1993 31.0
# time: 2.01ms
item year value
1 b 1990 11.0
2 c 1990 12.0
5 f 1992 22.0
6 g 1992 23.0
8 i 1993 31.0
9 j 1993 32.0