2 回答
TA贡献1789条经验 获得超10个赞
Oracle 以自己的内部格式表示数字,可以使用dump()Oracle 中的函数查看。例如,
SELECT dump(123) FROM dual;
Typ=2 Len=3: 194,2,24
因此,要在 Python 中散列一个数字并获得与在 Oracle 中相同的结果,您需要将 Python 数字转换为一组字节,就像 Oracle 在其内部所做的那样。
可以在此处找到对 Oracle 使用的内部逻辑的良好分析。这是正确的,有一个与终止负数有关的小遗漏。此外,它是从从字节解码Oracle 数字的角度编写的。在我们的例子中,我们需要将Oracle 数字编码为其内部字节格式。尽管如此,我在形成这个答案时广泛使用了它。
下面的代码显示了一个 Python 函数,to_oracle_number(),它将返回一个整数数组,该数组具有与 Oracle 数据库计算的数字相同的字节表示形式。它应该处理任何数字(正数、负数、小数、零等)。
最底部的代码还显示了如何调用此函数并对其结果进行散列以获得与在 Oracle 数据库中计算的相同的散列值,我认为这是您问题的核心。
import math
import decimal
import hashlib
def to_oracle_number( nstr ):
# define number n that we want to convert
n = decimal.Decimal(nstr)
# compute exponent (base 100) and convert to Oracle byte along with sign
#print (abs(n))
l_exp = 0
l_len = 0
l_abs_n = abs(n)
if l_abs_n != 0:
l_exp = math.floor(math.log(l_abs_n,100))
# Oracle adds 1 to all bytes when encoding
l_exp = l_exp + 1
# Oracle adds 64 to exponent whe encoding
l_exp = l_exp + 64
if n < 0:
# take 1's complement of exponent so far (bitwise xor)
l_exp = (l_exp ^ 127)
if n >= 0:
# add sign bit. zero is considered positive.
l_exp = l_exp + 128
l_bytes = []
l_len = l_len + 1 # exponent and sign take 1 byte
l_whole_part = str(int(l_abs_n))
# make sure there is an even number of digits in the whole part
if len(l_whole_part) % 2 == 1:
l_whole_part = '0' + l_whole_part
# get the fractional digits, so if 0.01234, just 01234
l_frac_part = str(l_abs_n - int(l_abs_n))[2:]
# make sure there is an even number of digits in the fractional part
if len(l_frac_part) % 2 == 1:
l_frac_part = l_frac_part + '0'
l_mantissa = l_whole_part + l_frac_part
# chop off leading 00 pairs
while l_mantissa[0:2] == '00':
l_mantissa = l_mantissa[2:]
# chop off trailing 00 pairs
while l_mantissa[-2:] == '00':
l_mantissa = l_mantissa[:-2]
# compute number of 2-character chunks
l_chunk_count = int(len(l_mantissa) / 2)
l_chunks = '';
for i in range(0, l_chunk_count):
l_chunk = int(l_mantissa[i*2:i*2+2])
if n < 0:
# for negative numbers, we subtract from 100
l_chunk = 100-l_chunk
# Oracle adds 1 to all bytes
l_chunk = l_chunk + 1
# Add the chunk to our answer
l_chunks = l_chunks + ',' + str(l_chunk)
l_len = l_len + 1 # we have computed one more byte
#print (str(i) + ':' + str(l_chunk))
if n < 0 and l_len < 21:
# terminating negative numbers always end in byte 102 (do not know why)
l_chunks = l_chunks + ',102'
l_len = l_len + 1
l_computed_dump = 'Typ=2 Len=' + str(l_len) + ': ' + str(l_exp) + l_chunks
print (l_computed_dump)
print (l_bytes)
return l_bytes
# test it
m = hashlib.sha256()
b = bytes(to_oracle_number('123')) # pass a string so no precision errors
Typ=2 Len=3: 194,2,24
[194, 2, 24]
TA贡献1850条经验 获得超11个赞
警告:该线程的原始解决方案来自@Matthew McPeak's,这就是应该得到奖励的答案,下面你会发现一个稍微修改过的版本,但我在他的算法中添加了一些重构:
import math
import decimal
import hashlib
def to_oracle_number(nstr):
n = decimal.Decimal(nstr)
# compute exponent (base 100) and convert to Oracle byte along with sign
l_exp, l_len, l_abs_n = 0, 0, abs(n)
if l_abs_n != 0:
l_exp = math.floor(math.log(l_abs_n, 100)) + 65
l_exp = (l_exp ^ 127) if n < 0 else l_exp + 128
l_bytes = [l_exp]
l_len += 1 # exponent and sign take 1 byte
l_whole_part = str(int(l_abs_n))
# make sure there is an even number of digits in the whole part
if len(l_whole_part) % 2 == 1:
l_whole_part = '0' + l_whole_part
# get the fractional digits, so if 0.01234, just 01234
l_frac_part = str(l_abs_n - int(l_abs_n))[2:]
# make sure there is an even number of digits in the fractional part
if len(l_frac_part) % 2 == 1:
l_frac_part += '0'
l_mantissa = l_whole_part + l_frac_part
# chop off leading 00 pairs
while l_mantissa[0:2] == '00':
l_mantissa = l_mantissa[2:]
# chop off trailing 00 pairs
while l_mantissa[-2:] == '00':
l_mantissa = l_mantissa[:-2]
# compute number of 2-character chunks
l_chunks = ''
for i in range(0, int(len(l_mantissa) / 2)):
l_chunk = int(l_mantissa[i * 2:i * 2 + 2])
if n < 0:
l_chunk = 100 - l_chunk
l_chunk += 1
l_chunks = f"{l_chunks},l_chunk"
l_len += 1
if n < 0 and l_len < 21:
# terminating negative numbers always end in byte 102 (do not know why)
l_chunks += ',102'
l_len += 1
# bytes(l_bytes)l_computed_dump = f"Typ=2 Len={l_len}: {l_exp}{l_chunks}"
m = hashlib.sha256()
return m.hexdigest().upper()
if __name__ == '__main__':
assert to_oracle_number('123') == "A0740C0829EC3314E5318E1F060266479AA31F8BBBC1868DA42B9E608F52A09F"