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TA贡献1844条经验 获得超8个赞
import json
data = json.loads(json_data)
features = data["features"]
point_handle_text = {
i["properties"]["EntityHandle"]: i["properties"]["Text"]
for i in features
if i["geometry"]["type"] == "Point"
combine_features = []
for i in features:
if i["geometry"]["type"] == "LineString":
i["properties"]["Text"] = point_handle_text.get(i["properties"]["EntityHandle"])
data["features"] = combine_features
json_data = json.dumps(data)

TA贡献1818条经验 获得超8个赞
是的,可以在 python 中得到你的结果。它只需要将 json 数据存储到我们可以在 python 中使用的数据结构中,然后编写一个算法来组合具有相同实体类型的特征。我写了一个脚本来做到这一点,以及评论。程序从Point特征中提取文本属性并将其放入特征的属性中LineString。然后,我们基本上丢弃了Point。顺便说一句,您的 'before' json 数据有一个不应该在那里的尾随逗号。使用 Python 3.7.0:
import json
import collections
def main():
with open('before_data.json') as f:
before_data = json.load(f) # makes a python dict from the json file and stores in before
features = before_data['features'] # list of features
# loop through features, construct dictionary of entity handle mapped to point texts
point_entities = collections.defaultdict() # to avoid 'if key not in' pattern
for feature in features:
entity_handle = feature['properties']['EntityHandle']
# only append points
if feature['geometry']['type'] == 'Point':
point_entities[entity_handle] = feature['properties']['Text']
merged_features = []
for feature in features:
if feature['geometry']['type'] == 'LineString':
entity_handle = feature['properties']['EntityHandle']
text_percent = point_entities[entity_handle]
feature['properties']['Text'] = text_percent
# print(json.dumps(before_data, indent=4))
result = before_data
result['features'] = merged_features
# compare with your expected output
with open('after_data.json') as f:
after_data = json.load(f)
print(result == after_data) # returns True
# finally, write your result to a file
with open('result.json', 'w') as output_file:
json.dump(result, output_file)
if __name__ == '__main__':