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TA贡献1827条经验 获得超4个赞
copyTo(SmbFile)和之间有一个有趣的区别renameTo(SmbFile)- 只有其中一个说此文件和目标文件不需要在同一主机上。由于renameTo(SmbFile)它没有说,我只能假设,你应该使用copyTo,然后delete()将原来的。
SmbFile smbFromFile = new SmbFile("smb://test1/test.xml", auth);
SmbFile smbToFile = new SmbFile("smb://test2/test.xml", auth);
// smbFromFile.renameTo(smbToFile);
TA贡献1866条经验 获得超5个赞
使用 renameTo() 方法。
public boolean moveFile(SmbFile file) {
log.info("{"Started Archiving or Moving the file");
String targetFilePath = this.archiveDir + file.getName(); //Path where we need to move that file.
try {
NtlmPasswordAuthentication auth = new NtlmPasswordAuthentication("", userId, userPassword);
log.info("targetFilePath: {} , currentFile : {}",targetFilePath, file);
SmbFile targetFile = new SmbFile(targetFilePath, auth);
//authenticate the SmbFile
try {
file.renameTo(targetFile); //User renameTo method for same server
log.info("Archived File : {} to: {}", file.getName(),
return true;
} catch (SmbException e) {
log.error("Unable to Archive File: {}", file.getName());
return false;
} catch (MalformedURLException e) {
log.error("Connection failed to Server Drive: {}", targetFilePath);
return false;
2.)文件需要在不同的服务器上移动(即输入文件夹和输出文件夹的身份验证详细信息 不相同)。
使用 copyTo() 方法。
public List<SmbFile> xmlFiles = new ArrayList<>(); //Here we will add all the files which are existing.
public boolean isFileExists() throws MalformedURLException, SmbException {
NtlmPasswordAuthentication auth = new NtlmPasswordAuthentication("",
userID, userPassword); //authenticating input folder.
SmbFile smbFile = new SmbFile(inputFolder, auth);
SmbFile[] smbFiles = smbFile.listFiles();
boolean isFilePresent = false;
if (smbFiles.length > 0) {
for (SmbFile file : smbFiles) {
if (file.getName().toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH)
.contains(AppConstant.FILE_NAME.toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH))) {
isFilePresent = true;
if (isPlanFilePresent) {
log.info("Number of files present on Server: {}",smbFiles.length);
return true;
return false;
public boolean moveFile(SmbFile file) {
log.info("Started Moving or Archiving the file");
String toFilePath = this.outputFolder + file.getName(); //path where you need to copy the file from input folder.
try {
NtlmPasswordAuthentication auth1 = new NtlmPasswordAuthentication("", outputFolderUserId, outputFolderPassword); //authenticating output folder
log.info("targetFilePath: {} and currentFile : {}", toFilePath, file);
SmbFile targetFile = new SmbFile(toFilePath, auth1);
try {
file.delete(); //delete the file which we copied at our desired server
log.info("Archived File : {} to: {}", file.getName(), targetFile.getName());
return true;
} catch (SmbException e) {
log.error("Unable to Archive File: {}", file.getName());
return false;
} catch (MalformedURLException e) {
log.error("Connection failed to Server Drive: {}", toFilePath);
return false;
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