使用 grails 3.3.8 和 Mysql DB 5.5.x 版本。我已经完成了这个查询: String query = $/ select new Map( i1.id as id,i1.name as name) from CustomerComposition as c1 inner join c1.instrument as i1 left join i1.analisys as a1, Instrument as i2 left join i2.analisys as a2, Instrument as i3 left join i3.analisys as a3 where i1.id=i2.id and i1.id=i3.id and c1.portfolio.id=:ptfId and a1.phase.id=:p1Id and a2.phase.id=:p2Id and a3.phase.id=:p3Id /$ List composition = CustomerComposition.executeQuery(query, [ptfId: ptfId, p1Id: phase[0], p2Id: phase[1], p3Id: phase[2]])左连接不起作用。然后我意识到它不起作用,因为我在 WHERE 中放置了一个子句。我仔细检查了简单的 SQL 语句,一旦将条件移出 where,它确实可以工作。一个简单的截图只是为了澄清,之前它不起作用:SELECTinstrument1_.idFROM customer_ptf_composition customerpt0_ INNER JOIN instrument instrument1_ ON customerpt0_.instrument_id = instrument1_.id LEFT JOIN analisys analisys4_ ON instrument1_.id = analisys4_.instrument_idWHEREcustomerpt0_.portfolio_id =1216 AND analisys4_.phase_id =111之后,由于左/右连接的工作方式,它可以工作:SELECTinstrument1_.idFROM customer_ptf_composition customerpt0_ INNER JOIN instrument instrument1_ ON customerpt0_.instrument_id = instrument1_.id LEFT JOIN analisys analisys4_ ON instrument1_.id = analisys4_.instrument_id AND analisys4_.phase_id =111 WHEREcustomerpt0_.portfolio_id =1216现在我的问题是如何将“and field=value”放在 GORM 的左连接旁边?