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不确定这是否正是您想要实现的,但这是代码。如果标题距窗口顶部的距离超过 100 像素(这不是很常见,因为标题顶部应该有一些东西),那么新类将添加到标题中。
$(function() {
var $header = $('#v0');
$(window).scroll(function () {
if ($header.offset().top - $(this).scrollTop() > 100) {
} else {
$(function() {
var $header = $('header');
var $video = $('#v0');
var $videoContainer = $('.videoContainer');
$(window).scroll(function () {
// Here we check if video field touches the header, and add 'fixed' class
if ((($header.offset().top + $header.height()) - $video.offset().top) >= 0) {
// Since both video and header is fixed now I needed some other
// element to check if we are again getting away from the header
// (scrolling up again) That's why I added the $videoContainer element
// to be able to remove the 'fixed' class.
if ($videoContainer.offset().top > ($header.offset().top + $header.height())) {
更新代码:https : //jsbin.com/foyoyus/6/edit?html,css,js,output