


潇湘沐 2021-11-30 15:41:40
我想在https://www.reddit.com/search?q=expiration&type=link&sort=new上抓取所有问题的链接、标题和时间戳。由于有很多问题,我们需要向下滚动以触发加载。这是代码:from selenium import webdriverimport timeurlMethod = "https://www.reddit.com/search?q=expiration&type=link&sort=new"driver = webdriver.Chrome()driver.get(urlMethod)SCROLL_PAUSE_TIME = 3i = 0last_height = driver.execute_script("return document.body.scrollHeight")while (i <= 3):    i = i + 1    driver.execute_script("window.scrollTo(0, document.body.scrollHeight);")    time.sleep(SCROLL_PAUSE_TIME)        new_height = driver.execute_script("return document.body.scrollHeight")    if new_height == last_height:        break    last_height = new_heightquestions = driver.find_elements_by_xpath('//div[@data-click-id="body"]')print(len(questions))for q in questions:    url = q.find_elements_by_xpath('.//a[@data-click-id="body"]')[0].get_attribute('href')    title = q.find_element_by_xpath('.//a[@data-click-id="body"]').find_element_by_xpath('./h2/span').text    print("title : " + title)    datePostRel = q.find_elements_by_xpath('.//a[@data-click-id="timestamp"]')[0].get_attribute('innerHTML')但是,我的测试表明部分标题是空的。有谁知道为什么?PS:我尝试使用WebDriverWait,但它给了我一个TimeoutException错误。

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TA贡献1803条经验 获得超3个赞


  title = q.find_element_by_xpath('.//a[@data-click-id="body"]').find_element_by_xpath('./h2/span').get_attribute("innerHTML")


title : (Possibly Unpopular) Opinion: MTG Arena's Substandard Free-to-Play Economy Creates an Inferior Meta

title : Should I bring up the topic of a possible learning disability with my psychiatrist before I go to college or am I making a big deal out of nothing?

title : MeasureUp vouchers for Microsoft technical practice exams

title : should i break up with him or not?

title : Update on the blown up intervention. Things got worse. He went to jail. I am leaving to get treatment for trauma, PTSD, and codependency.

title : AITA for taking two days to consider a employment offer?

title : Hi, I am trying to find the most current application with which to renew DACA, but the only one I can find on the USCIS has 1/31/19 as the <em style="font-weight:700">expiration</em> date. Is this still a valid form, or will it be rejected? Current permit is to expire in September.

title : Just like food, humans have <em style="font-weight:700">expiration</em> dates too..

title : Drug <em style="font-weight:700">Expiration</em> Dates — Do They Mean Anything? - Harvard Health (This should be sticky'd btw)

title : Here is a scientific study made on how long prescription drugs last after their expiry date. I thought it would be relevant here.

title : If poison is past its <em style="font-weight:700">expiration</em> date, is it more poisonous or less poisonous?

title : Is there any coming back from deep-seated resentment?

title : 29 Domains for sale! | All Priced between $19-$79 | BIN via Efty/Paypal

title : This Pringles can with a Leap Day <em style="font-weight:700">expiration</em> date

title : Is it wrong for a relationship to have an <em style="font-weight:700">expiration</em> date?

title : Buy Valtrex From a Usa Pharmacy Without a Prescription, How To Mail Order Valtrex Canada

title : Fragment Bullets

title : Calculating <em style="font-weight: 700;">Expiration</em> Dates - Previous Solution No Longer Works

title : My current dilemma with excess backstory. TLDR at the bottom

title : Worst (and not-so-bad) things for metric-born US resident

title : Weird Question about sorting your papers?

title : Hot Cash Mega Thread

title : [40k] What would a modern earth's tithe consist of?

title : TIL an FDA study requested by the military found 90% of more than 100 drugs, both prescription and over-the-counter, were still safe &amp; effective even 15 years after the <em style="font-weight: 700;">expiration</em> date. <em style="font-weight: 700;">Expiration</em> dates don’t really indicate a point at which the medication is no longer effective or unsafe to use.

title : Do I still have stock options?

title : CVS Coupon <em style="font-weight: 700;">Expiration</em> Policy

title : CVS Coupon <em style="font-weight: 700;">Expiration</em> Date

title : Over 100 OTC and prescription drugs 90% effective 15 years after <em style="font-weight: 700;">expiration</em> dates

title : We need all hands on deck

title : My option grant contract up to scratch (concerned about repurchase/claw back)

title : I'm really not happy anymore

title : How to have a healthy non-committed relationship?

title : TIL an FDA study requested by the military found 90% of more than 100 drugs, both prescription and over-the-counter, were still safe &amp; effective even 15 years after the <em style="font-weight: 700;">expiration</em> date. <em style="font-weight: 700;">Expiration</em> dates don’t really indicate a point at which the medication is no longer effective or unsafe to use.

title : Marriage license question

title : Just plain ole happy....

title : Need a favor! Swap Menopur in the DC area

title : Understanding options

title : <em style="font-weight: 700;">Expiration</em>?

title : Need answers about respiratory symptoms to calm my nerves

title : [HIRING] Looking for PHP developer for Pydio

title : Top-DOCTORS.com make offer

title : PendingIntent.isTargetedToPackage() returns false for IntentService. Why, and how to fix it?

title : Reconnecting with my [28f] ex [28m]?

title : PSA (possibly): Colourpop is technically not allowed to ship to the EU

title : Each time I start getting to know someone new, I can’t help think about the relationship having an <em style="font-weight: 700;">expiration</em> date.

title : Can we get an <em style="font-weight: 700;">expiration</em> timer on all electronics like the sensor dart or a proximity killswitch?

title : Do dates just live forever? No <em style="font-weight: 700;">expiration</em> date on the package. Am I going to die?

title : WTW for opposite of a "limited time offer"

title : S.102 - Committee Vote

title : But it's expired...

title : this <em style="font-weight: 700;">expiration</em> stamp (2017 on the trademark though)

title : /u/Nadieestaaqui on Do you think NAFTA is a horrible deal but USMCA is a great trade agreement?

title : Classic teenager: forgets to check the pills <em style="font-weight: 700;">expiration</em> date and just chucks em down the chute

title : Exit on vertical debit vs credit spreads

title : TEFL Contrct Review China. Am I safe Or Could I Get In Trouble?

title : Expired Betaine HCL w/ Pepsin still good?

title : IKE phase 1 has expired, but PA doesn't start re-key for 45mins to an hour later

title : ConnectWise workflow for Expiring Configurations

title : Your portal (and all the data) on ITBoost is kept online even if you have cancelled months ago.

title : Document Authentication Without Job Offer

title : The Deli Meat Saga

title : Getting errors when trying to import a module

title : I am the dead bedroom.

title : Does rank <em style="font-weight: 700;">expiration</em> affect Grand Champion rewards?

title : How do I tell my (24f) boyfriend (25m) that his words hurt?

title : Freaking out right now

title : Same doctor that said "no longer coronary risk" 2 wks prior to death now refuses to get us death certificates. Do we have legal recourse?

title : A Footstep Echo is FREE on Kindle this week - Sci-fi / Time Travel - Mystery

title : What makes milk/chocolate milk taste/smell bad if it's not expired?

title : The <em style="font-weight: 700;">expiration</em> date on this bag of potato sticks

title : What are the major issues driving the potential lockout?

title : Attention all epic conservatives!

title : Anyone Else Considering Puts for the NIO Lock-up <em style="font-weight: 700;">Expiration</em>?

title : Suggestion Chems/Food/Drinks <em style="font-weight: 700;">expiration</em> time

title : Unknown <em style="font-weight: 700;">Expiration</em> Fuji 160S - Mamiya 645 65mm 2.8 Central Park, my lovely girlfriend with her Minolta SRT 101.

title : What happens when someone sells a put a few days before <em style="font-weight: 700;">expiration</em> and $0.20 over the strike price.

title : Are IUDs still effective near the end of their <em style="font-weight: 700;">expiration</em>?

title : Topical ibuprofen gel out of date, should I be using it?

title : Prestige Points wouldnt feel so awful of a system if we got them from spending RP on skins/emotes/etc too

title : 70% off mens beach shorts

title : Begging for... Sushi?

title : CAE vs IELTS Comparison

title : The double strike <em style="font-weight: 700;">expiration</em> cancel bug is back

title : ISO 13485:2016 Certification in Singapore

title : questions about philly connections tickets

title : [USA] [H][USA] [H] Persona 5, Nier, Spiderman, Yakuza 6, Monster Hunter World, Fallout 76, DBZ Fighterz list [PS4] Mario Odyssey, lets go evee list [SWITCH] Ever Oasis, List [3DS] [W] Ys VIII, list [PS4]Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of Dana, list [SWITCH]

title : A few final questions for a new Meat DM.

title : <em style="font-weight: 700;">Expiration</em> dating hand-made whip cream

title : My chips have an <em style="font-weight: 700;">expiration</em> time

title : Boss forgets 3 year old food container

title : H.R.171: Military Federalism Act of 2018 AMENDMENT PERIOD

title : [Product Question] <em style="font-weight: 700;">Expiration</em> Date On Scar Creams, Do They Matter?

title : DEA claim Chapter 35

title : I am afraid of falling in love with a girl in my university

title : I'm Paige Feldman, a development and acquisitions exec and writer/director/producer - Ask Me Anything!

title : Bungie Rewards <em style="font-weight: 700;">expiration</em> dates have been updated

title : ELI5: How are <em style="font-weight: 700;">expiration</em> dates on food/other products with <em style="font-weight: 700;">expiration</em> dates actually determined? Like how do they figure out when the product is going to expire?

title : [H] VPN Accounts starting at just $1! [W] BTC/ETH/LTC/Paypal

title : $MEET Earnings Play

title : People should be able to activate 2 week free trial n word passes

title : Needle Teeth - <em style="font-weight: 700;">Expiration</em> Date [Cassette out next month on Solidarity Club Records]

title : Issues with trying to add a new Mastercard to SPay. Anyone else having similar issues?

title : Third Party Tool to Monitor AD Cert Authority?

title : MSU ID Card <em style="font-weight: 700;">expiration</em>

title : A law mandating that all best by/<em style="font-weight: 700;">expiration</em> dates be in the same spot and in the same format on all products for easy deciphering by consumers.

title : met her after no contact for bit over 1mo and so confusing

title : When u have the same <em style="font-weight: 700;">expiration</em> date as sour cream

title : What character stayed past their <em style="font-weight: 700;">expiration</em> date and make the show/book/whatever worse because they were popular?

title : Should I take the internship offer or go for the interview for a full-time position? Or both?

title : Attention all Yasuo mains!!

title : RMA without proof of Purchase?

title : I was curious about whois of jw.(b)org

title : [Sell][US]Pick 4 freebies with your order! Selling Makeup &amp; Skincare: eSpoir, Cosrx, Innisfree, Acwell, Neogen, Peripera, Klairs, Etude House, Benton, Too cool for school, Glossier, The Ordinary, Annie's Way, DewyTree, Holika Holika, A'Pieu + more!

title : Lucky day promotions: free wheel spin!! Enter code: RO8AKFZ Good Luck!!

title : Virtually clueless on budget friendly but long lasting Acer Chromebook (uk)

title : A Footstep Echo is Available FREE on Kindle this week!! Sci-fi / Mystery / Time Travel

title : How long/often can I travel in the USA with an ESTA?

title : How long can I travel in the USA with an ESTA?

title : 3-15-19 (no new info so don't freak out)

title : When should I receive SRB payout?

title : [LPT] Everytime you close a contract, set yourself a reminder a couple of weeks/months (depending on your notice period) before <em style="font-weight: 700;">expiration</em> so that you get reminded about it before the contract extends itself.

title : Dumb question of the day.

title : Asp web api Access_token and Refresh token

title : Do you eat food that's past its <em style="font-weight: 700;">expiration</em> date? What is your reason?

title : Facilitated Trading - EARN CREDIT THIS WEEK: T-Mobile Tuesdays Trading/Discussion thread March 05, 2019

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title = q.find_elements_by_class_name('SQnoC3ObvgnGjWt90zD9Z').find_element_by_xpath('./h2/span').text


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