1 回答

TA贡献1824条经验 获得超6个赞
$object = $xml->xpath("//object[@pk = '1' and @model = 'awb']")[0] ;
// get all the scan stages object
$scanObjects = $object->xpath(".//object[@model = 'scan_stages']");
$scans = array(); // store all the scans info
foreach($scanObjects as $scanObject){
$scan = array() ; // store the current scan info
// iterate on all "field" in the current scan stage
foreach($scanObject->xpath('field') as $field){
$key = (string)$field->xpath('@name')[0] ; // name of the field
$value = (string) $field ; // value of the field
$scan[ $key ] = $value ; // add the field to the current scan info
$scans[] = $scan ; // add the current scan to the scan list
echo json_encode($scans);
输出 :
"updated_on":"17 March, 2019, 03:10 ",
"Employee":"JOEL - O94383"
"updated_on":"18 March, 2019, 22:22 ",
"status":"Bag scanned at Hub",
"reason_code":" - ",
"Employee":"ELLEN - 49821"
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