我的应用程序.yamlruntime: customvm: trueapi_version: 1health_check: enable_health_check: False文件# Use the official go docker image built on debian.FROM golang:1.5.1# Grab the source code and add it to the workspace.ADD . /go/# Install revel and the revel CLI.RUN go get github.com/revel/revelRUN go get github.com/revel/cmd/revel# Use the revel CLI to start up our application.ENTRYPOINT revel run 4quorum-appengine dev 8080# Open up the port where the app is running.EXPOSE 8080我正在阅读这篇文章 http://jbeckwith.com/2015/05/08/docker-revel-appengine/预览我正在尝试预览它:gcloud preview app run app.yaml --custom-entrypoint "revel run 4quorum-appengine dev 8080"WARNING: The `app run` command is deprecated and will soon be removed.Please use dev_appserver.py (in the same directory as the `gcloud` command) instead.Module [default] found in file [/Users/802619/Projects/src/4quorum_root/app.yaml]INFO: Looking for the Dockerfile in /Users/802619/Projects/src/4quorum_rootINFO: Using Dockerfile found in /Users/802619/Projects/src/4quorum_rootINFO 2015-11-06 18:03:44,226 application_configuration.py:399] No version specified. Generated version id: 20151106t180344INFO 2015-11-06 18:03:44,226 devappserver2.py:763] Skipping SDK update check.INFO 2015-11-06 18:03:44,266 api_server.py:205] Starting API server at: http://localhost:62780INFO 2015-11-06 18:03:44,272 dispatcher.py:197] Starting module "default" running at: http://localhost:8080INFO 2015-11-06 18:03:44,277 admin_server.py:116] Starting admin server at: http://localhost:8000ERROR 2015-11-06 18:03:44,282 instance.py:280] [Errno 2] No such file or directory如果尝试 dev_appserver.py 也是一样部署部署也不起作用。由于超时而失败。gcloud preview app deploy ./app.yamlWARNING: Soon, deployments will set the deployed version to receive all traffic by默认。To keep the current behavior (where new deployments do not receive any traffic),use the `--no-promote` flag or run the following command: $ gcloud config set app/promote_by_default false
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