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我通过创建一个返回包装连接的自定义 Dial 函数来实现这一点。我的包装器拦截了连接上的第一次读取,并用 HTTP/1.1 替换了 ICY。不是超级健壮,但证明了这个概念:
package main
import (
type IcyConnWrapper struct {
haveReadAny bool
func (i *IcyConnWrapper) Read(b []byte) (int, error) {
if i.haveReadAny {
return i.Conn.Read(b)
i.haveReadAny = true
//bounds checking ommitted. There are a few ways this can go wrong.
//always check array sizes and returned n.
n, err := i.Conn.Read(b[:3])
if err != nil {
return n, err
if string(b[:3]) == "ICY" {
//write Correct http response into buffer
copy(b, []byte("HTTP/1.1"))
return 8, nil
return n, nil
func main() {
tr := &http.Transport{
Dial: func(network, a string) (net.Conn, error) {
realConn, err := net.Dial(network, a)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &IcyConnWrapper{Conn: realConn}, nil
client := &http.Client{Transport: tr}
http.DefaultClient = client
resp, err := http.Get("") //random url I found on the internet
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