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由于您设置Time.timeScale = 0暂停游戏,因此您需要使用WaitForSecondsRealtime而不是WaitForSeconds(就像@Prodian 在评论部分建议的那样),因为WaitForSecondsRealtime使用未缩放的时间,无论您设置什么值都不会受到影响Time.timeScale。
//if game is continued, close deathUI and start timer
public void continueGame()
// Add this line to prevent accident like double click... which will start multiple coroutine and cause unexpected result
if (CountDown) return;
CountDown = true;
// Since you want your game to still being paused for 3 seconds before resuming
Time.timeScale = 0;
private void AfterCountdownFinished()
// important. You must set your Time.timeScale back to its default value
// because even if you reload your scene the timeScale remain the same which can cause you to encounter freeze error which you might spend time to search for the problem
Time.timeScale = 1;
GameOver = CountDown = false;
// You want to write your restart/continue logic here
// Example:
// reload the level
// SceneManager.LoadScene(SceneManager.GetActiveScene().buildIndex);
IEnumerator LoseTime()
// I forgot this part (which you pointed out)
// Here is how you can improve performance
// It seems you can't create and reuse it like WaitForSeconds
// var delay = new WaitForSecondsRealtime(1);
// Set this the text here so it will display (3 in your case) for 1 second before start decreasing
countDownText.text = timeLeft.ToString();
// If your level will restart after the countdown ends then you don't need to create another variable like below. You can just use timeLeft directly
int time = timeLeft;
while (time > 0)
// Edited here
yield return new WaitForSecondsRealtime(1);
// Here you don't set your UI text every frame in the update but you only set it only when there is change on timeLeft
countDownText.text = time.ToString();
// When countdown ended. You don't need to call StopCoroutine
如果您的 UI 有某种Time.deltaTime用于制作动画的动画,那么您需要将其更改为使用Time.unscaledDeltaTime。它与WaitForSecondsand 的想法相同WaitForSecondsRealtime,一个受Time.timeScale值影响而另一个不受值影响。
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