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简短的回答是“否”,因为 PHP 中缺少泛型类。
class UserCollection implements Collection {
public function add( ValueObjects $obj ) : bool
if (!($obj instanceof User)) {
throw new RuntimeException('...');
/** @var User $obj */
// The above comment make your IDE know the $obj is a `User` instance
// your actual logic
return true;
一个小提示,您不需要在 PHP中将$obj对象从ValueObjectsto 转换User。@var上面代码中的phpDoc 内联注释行仅告诉 IDE 这$obj是一个User实例并支持User方法的自动完成。没有它,PHP 脚本仍然运行。

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interface Transportable {};
interface User {};
interface Collected
public function isValid($item): bool;
// Contract, add is deterministic, require no return
public function add(Transportable $item): void;
trait SanityChecked
public function isValid($item): bool
return true;
abstract class Collector implements Collected
use SanityChecked;
private $items = [];
public function add(Transportable $item): void
if ($this->isValid($item) && $this->items[] = $item) {
throw new Exception('This is the not the droid we were looking for.');
class Users extends Collector
public function isValid($test): bool
return $test instanceof User;
$users = new Users();
$users->add(new class() implements Transportable, User {});
echo 'Added first!'.PHP_EOL;
$users->add(new class() implements User {}); // Sorry, error.
echo 'Added second!'.PHP_EOL;
另一种看待它的方式是进一步扩展 trait 的行为:
trait ValidatesAsUser
public function isValid(Transportable $user): bool
return $user instanceof User;
class PortalUsers extends Collector
use ValidatesAsUser;
class ContentEditors extends PortalUsers {}
class Authors extends ContentEditors {}
class AuthorsWithPublishedStoriesByRating extends Authors {}
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