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本质上,冒泡排序会迭代成对 2 的元素,如果两个元素的顺序错误,则交换它们。
例如,让我们使用冒泡排序对 (3, 2, 5, 4, 1) 进行排序。
( 2, 3 , 5, 4, 1) 首先,它会查看前两个元素是否需要交换它们。由于 3 大于 2,它会交换它们。
(2, 3, 5 , 4, 1) 接下来看 3 和 5。因为 3 小于 5,所以不需要交换
(2, 3, 4, 5 , 1) 现在查看 5 和 4 并交换它们。
(2, 3, 4, 1, 5 ) 最后,它查看 5 和 1 并将它们交换。
现在从头开始,重复整个过程。如果在迭代期间恰好进行了 0 次交换,则排序结束。

TA贡献1830条经验 获得超3个赞
public static void Qsort(int[] array, int start, int end)
//find the current center of the whole or parital array part I am working on.
int center = (start+end)/2;
///System.out.println("\n This is the center : " + center);
int pivot, i, pivotplace;
i = 0;
pivot = 0;
pivotplace = 0;
//if start = end then we are at a single element. just return to the previous iterative call.
if(start == end)
// System.out.println("\n Inside base case return :");
//find the pivot value we are using. using a 3 prong selection we are assured to at least get some type of median value and avoid the N^2 worst case.
pivot = getpivot(array[start], array[center], array[end]); //gets median value of start, center and end values in the array.
// System.out.println("\n pivotvalue is : " + pivot);
//find where the current pivot is located and swap it with the last element in the current portion of the array.
if(array[start] == pivot)
//System.out.print("\n Inside pivot at start");
swap(array, start, end);
if(array[center] == pivot)
//System.out.print("\n Inside pivot at center");
swap(array, center, end);
//due to iteration the pivot place needs to start at the passed in value of 'start' and not 0.
pivotplace = start;
//due to iteration the loop needs to go from the passed in value of start and not 0 and needs to go
//until it reaches the end value passed in.
for(i = start; i < end; i++)
//if the current slot of the array is less than then pivot swap it with the current pivotplace holder
//since the pivotplace keeps getting iterated up be each swap the final place of pivot place
//is where the pivot will actually be swapped back to after the loop cpompletes.
if(array[i] < pivot)
//System.out.print("\n Swapping");
swap(array, i, pivotplace);
//loop is finished, swap the pivot into the spot it belongs in.
swap(array, pivotplace, end);
//there are 2 cases for recursive iteration.
//The first is from the start to the slot before the pivot
if(start < pivotplace){Qsort(array, start, pivotplace-1);}
//the second is from the slot after the pivot to the end.
if(pivotplace+1 < end){Qsort(array, pivotplace+1, end);}
public static int getpivot(int a, int b, int c)
if((a > b) && (a < c))
return a;
if((b > a) && (b < c))
return b;
return c;
public static void swap(int[] array, int posa, int posb)
int temp;
temp = array[posa];
array[posa] = array[posb];
array[posb] = temp;
这是我在编程课程中编写的基本快速排序或递归排序。在处理一小组字符串时,您可能不需要使用 getpivot 代码,但是如果您进行一些研究,您会发现使用可能的 3 个样本大大加快了递归速度,因为递归树的工作负载均衡.