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TA贡献1847条经验 获得超11个赞
var itemChangedObs = this.WhenAnyValue(x => x.MyObject.Active);
var isBusyObs = this.WhenAnyValue(x => x.IsBusy);
var listItemChangedObs = this.WhenAnyObservable(x => x.MyObectsList.ItemChanged).Where(x => x.PropertyName == "Active").Select(_ => MyObjectsList.Any(x => x.Active)).StartsWith(false)
var canRunCommand = itemChangedObs.CombineLatest(listItemChangedObs, isBusyObs, (itemActive, listItemActive, isBusy) => (itemActive || listItemActive) && !isBusy);
这个版本本质上使用了一个 CombineLatest ,它在将两个 observable 组合在一起后采用您想要的值的 Lambda。
在两个 Observables 都发出一个值之前,CombineLatest() 不会产生值,因此为什么 listItemChanged 在前面有一个 StartsWith(false)。
默认情况下,WhenAnyValue() 将始终发出值的 default(T) 作为其初始值,因此您不需要这些语句的 StartsWith。

TA贡献1824条经验 获得超6个赞
这是另一种替代方法,它避免了对复杂度为 O(n) 的 MyObjectList.Any() 的需要。此解决方案涉及更多,但具有提高效率的潜力。除了计算listItemChangedObs observable的方式外,它与 Glenn 的CombineLatest方法相同。此版本保持列表中活动对象数的运行总数。因此,每次触发 ItemChanged 时,它只需执行 +1 或 -1 操作。然后它只检查它是否大于 0。
public MyViewModel()
var itemChangedObs = this.WhenAnyValue(x => x.MyObject.Active);
var isBusyObs = this.WhenAnyValue(x => x.IsBusy);
// Recalculate the # of active objects each time ObjectList is reassigned.
var activeListItemCountInitializedObs = this
.WhenAnyValue(x => x.ObjectList)
list =>
// Return 0 if ObjectList is null.
return list == null ? Observable.Return(0) : list
// Otherwise, increment by 1 for each active object.
.Select(x => x.Active ? 1 : 0)
// We use Aggregate, which is a single value sequence, because
// we're only interested in the final result.
.Aggregate((acc, current) => acc + current);
// We no longer need the inner observable from the last time active item count
// was initialized. So unsubscribe from that one and subscribe to this most recent one.
var activeListItemCountChangedObs = this
.WhenAnyObservable(x => x.ObjectList.ItemChanged)
.Where(x => x.PropertyName == "Active")
// Increment or decrement the number of active objects in the list.
.Select(x => x.Sender.Active ? 1 : -1);
// An IObservable<bool> that signals if *any* of objects in the list are active.
var anyListItemsActiveObs = activeListItemCountInitializedObs
// Use the initialized count as the starting value for the Scan accumulator.
initialActiveCount =>
return activeListItemCountChangedObs
.Scan(initialActiveCount, (acc, current) => acc + current)
// Return true if one or more items are active.
.Select(x => x > 0)
.StartWith(initialActiveCount > 0);
// ObjectList was completely reassigned, so the previous Scan accumulator is
// no longer valid. So we "reset" it by "switching" to the new one.
var canRunCommand = itemChangedObs
(itemActive, listItemActive, isBusy) => (itemActive || listItemActive) && !isBusy);
Save = ReactiveCommand.CreateFromObservable(() => Observable.Return(Unit.Default), canRunCommand);
这是我运行代码时通过的单元测试。它基本上检查 ReactiveCommand 的CanExecute更改状态的次数,以及它是真还是假,每次变量之一发生变化时。
public void TestMethod1()
var objectList = new ReactiveList<IMyObject>(
initialContents: new[] { new MyObject(), new MyObject() },
resetChangeThreshold: 0.3,
scheduler: ImmediateScheduler.Instance);
objectList.ChangeTrackingEnabled = true;
IMyViewModel myViewModel = new MyViewModel
ObjectList = objectList,
MyObject = new MyObject()
var canExecute = myViewModel.Save
.CreateCollection(scheduler: ImmediateScheduler.Instance);
Assert.Equal(1, canExecute.Count);
myViewModel.ObjectList[0].Active = true;
Assert.Equal(2, canExecute.Count);
myViewModel.MyObject.Active = true;
Assert.Equal(2, canExecute.Count);
myViewModel.IsBusy = true;
Assert.Equal(3, canExecute.Count);
myViewModel.IsBusy = false;
Assert.Equal(4, canExecute.Count);
myViewModel.MyObject.Active = false;
Assert.Equal(4, canExecute.Count);
var object1 = new MyObject { Active = true };
var object2 = new MyObject { Active = true };
myViewModel.ObjectList = new ReactiveList<IMyObject>(
initialContents: new[] { object1, object2 },
resetChangeThreshold: 0.3,
scheduler: ImmediateScheduler.Instance);
Assert.Equal(4, canExecute.Count);
object1 = new MyObject { Active = false };
object2 = new MyObject { Active = false };
myViewModel.ObjectList = new ReactiveList<IMyObject>(
initialContents: new[] { object1, object2 },
resetChangeThreshold: 0.3,
scheduler: ImmediateScheduler.Instance);
Assert.Equal(5, canExecute.Count);
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