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TA贡献1877条经验 获得超6个赞
// This can become a filter if you'll need to manipulate the current user
function gt3_get_current_user() {
return get_user_by( 'id', get_current_user_id() );
add_filter( 'gt3/current_user_avatar', function( string $html = '', bool $show_email = false ) {
$html .= '<i class="gt3_login_icon gt3_login_icon--avatar"><i class="fa fa-user"></i></i>';
if( $show_email ) {
$html .= sprintf( '<span class="gt3_login__user_email">%s</span>', esc_html( gt3_get_current_user()->user_email ) );
return $html;
}, 10, 2 );
子主题的函数 .php
add_filter( 'gt3/current_user_avatar', function( string $html = '', bool $show_email = false ) {
// $html here is the one that returned from the parent's theme. You can manipulate it or replace the whole output inside here.
return $html;
}, 10, 2 );
echo apply_filters( 'gt3/current_user_avatar', '', false ); // This will echo the icon without the email
echo apply_filters( 'gt3/current_user_avatar', '', true ); // This will echo the icon with the email
echo apply_filters( 'gt3/current_user_avatar', '<p>Append</p>', false ); // This will echo the icon without the email and the '<p>Append</p>' html string before everything else
结果会因您使用此过滤器的位置而异。如果您在子主题中并且更改了添加所述过滤器的 html,则将为该主题自定义结果。请记住,您可以使用该use语句在闭包中引入外部变量。例如:
$user_name = 'Mike';
add_filter( 'gt3/current_user_avatar', function( string $html = '', bool $show_email = false ) use ( $user_name ) {
$html .= sprintf( '<p>Hello, %s!</p>', $user_name );
return $html;
}, 10, 2 );
// This will cheer the user, and it will be place at the end of the snippet.

TA贡献1887条经验 获得超5个赞
在同一文件夹中添加新的functions.php 文件不会覆盖您的代码,但不要复制/粘贴父主题文件中的代码,因为它需要与您对子主题所做的任何修改保持分离。相反,创建一个空白文件或添加您的子主题所需的任何新 .php 函数
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