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public CharSequence getFormattedQuestion(Context context, String originalQues, @ColorRes int colorToSet, @DimenRes int textSize) {
// First we check if the question has the expression
if (originalQues == null || !originalQues.contains("{") || !originalQues.contains("}")) {
return originalQues;
// Then we break the original text into parts
int startIndex = originalQues.indexOf("{");
int endIndex = originalQues.indexOf("}");
// 1) The text before the expression
String leftPart = startIndex>0 ? originalQues.substring(0, startIndex) : "";
// 2) The text after the expression (if there is any)
String rightPart = endIndex == originalQues.length()-1 ? "" : originalQues.substring(endIndex+1);
// 3) The expression text
String midPart = originalQues.substring(startIndex+1, endIndex);
// 4) Format the mid part with the give color (colorToSet) and size (textSize)
SpannableString spannableMid = new SpannableString(midPart);
spannableMid.setSpan(new ForegroundColorSpan(ContextCompat.getColor(context, colorToSet)), 0, midPart.length(), Spannable.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE);
spannableMid.setSpan(new AbsoluteSizeSpan(context.getResources().getDimensionPixelSize(textSize)), 0, midPart.length(), Spannable.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE);
// check if there is any left part; if so, add it with mid
CharSequence leftAndMid = leftPart.length()>0 ? TextUtils.concat(leftPart, " ", spannableMid) : spannableMid;
// Check if there is any right part else return the left and mid
return rightPart.length()>0 ? TextUtils.concat(leftAndMid, " ", rightPart) : leftAndMid;
所以基本上我们将原始问题分成 3 个部分。第一部分,表达前的文字。第 2 部分表达式文本。第 3 部分表达式后的文本。然后我们使用SpannableString. 然后我们通过组合所有三个来返回一个新文本。
CharSequence ques = getFormattedQuestion(holder.itemView.getContext(), question.getQuestion(), R.color.blue, R.dimen.text_size);