好的,这是我的代码,我知道它很混乱,而且充满了其他错误,我仍在努力学习。我知道我可以在一个班级中做到这一点,但这会脱离 java 的 OOP 部分。我想如果我要学习,我也可以正确地学习。charHpArray两天来,我一直试图弄清楚如何打印出来,但我在谷歌上找到的所有内容都没有用,因为它们不包含另一个数组。本质上,我试图将它设置为参数级别,因此当level= 1 时hp为 5,何时level为 2 时hp为 10,依此类推。另外,如果你能告诉我为什么level + #不起作用那会很棒。//如果你也想尝试一下,我正在努力让mage, arch, 和war都有不同的起始奖金,所以war比基本level奖金多一点健康。** 鼓励所有答案,即使这意味着新想法我只是想学习**谢谢。编码:import java.io.*;import java.util.Scanner;import java.util.Random;public class Main { public static void main(String[]args) { Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in); Random roll = new Random(); System.out.println("Welcome To Adventure Heroes"); System.out.println("-------------------"); System.out.println("You awake to the sound of screaming, \"GET AWAY FROM ME!\""); System.out.println("You call out to the voice in the distance..."); System.out.println("There is no answer"); System.out.println("You run towards the troubled screams in the distance"); System.out.println("You see a man on the floor being kicked, without hesitation you charge in and push the attacker off the man."); System.out.println("You examine the man to see if he is okay. When you look up the attacker is gone."); System.out.println("\"Thank you so much... erm, come to think of it I've never seen you around these parts. What is Your name?\""); String yourName = input.next(); System.out.println("\"What a weird name, Hi " + yourName + ", I'm Borgan\""); System.out.print("\"Well " + yourName + ", your journey begins here.\""); Character.getcharHp() ; public class Character { int[] level ={1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10}; int[] charHpArray = {5,10,15,20,25,30,35,40,45,50}; Character(int[] charHp) { charHp = charHpArray; } public int[] getCharHp() { return charHpArray; }
2 回答

TA贡献1852条经验 获得超1个赞
您有一个 level 数组,但没有指明 level int 值。这就是 add 不起作用的原因(因为 level 是一个数组,而您正在向它添加一个 int)。我建议尝试使用 HashMap 将级别映射到 hp(例如,将此字段称为 levelHpMap,并使其保持不变),然后使用每个字符设置的单独字段,称为级别,用于初始化字符属性/fields(而不是 hp)。
附加字符将通过继承扩展 Character 类。