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TA贡献1993条经验 获得超5个赞
public class ArraysInJava
public static void main(String[] args)
int[] a = new int[3]; // a = {0, 0, 0} as default value for int elements is 0
a[1] = 50; // a = {0, 50, 0}
Object o = a; // o = a = {0, 50, 0} - casting affects the variable type, the referenced object remains the same (recall that objects are saved by reference)
int[] b = (int[])o; // b = o = a = {0, 50, 0}
b[1] = 100; // b = o = a = {0, 100, 0}
System.out.println(a[1]); // Prints 100
((int[])o)[1] = 500; // b = o = a = {0, 500, 0}
System.out.println(a[1]); // Prints 500
Carlos Heuberger确实在评论中提出了一个重要观点。我认为缺少的部分是关于数据类型的。
int a = 15;
int b = a; // b now holds 15
int[] a = {1, 2};
Object b = a; // "b" now holds the reference (memory address) of the "a"
int[] c = b; // "c" now also points to the exact same array
b = null; // "b" holds no memory reference now, "a" and "c" continues to hold reference of the same array

TA贡献1860条经验 获得超8个赞
绘制内存模型并跟踪每个引用,如果您理解这一点,请在代码中的注释中查看我的内容,这将消除您的困惑。 a, b, and o是参考
a[1]------> 50
a[1]------> 50 <------------o[1]
a[1], b[1]------->50 <---------------o[1]
a[1], b[1] -------->100 <-----------o[1] (but the value 50 is overwritten with 100)
a[1], b[1] -------->500<-----------o[1] (but the value 100 is overwritten with 500)
int[] a = new int[3];
a[1] = 50; // a------> 50,
Object o = a; // a------> 50 <------------o
int[] b = (int[])o; // a, b------->50 <---------------o
b[1] = 100; //a, b -------->100 <-----------o(but the value 50 is overwritten with 100)
System.out.println(a[1]); // so prints 100
((int[])o)[1] = 500; //a, b -------->500<-----------o(but the value 100 is overwritten with 500)
System.out.println(a[1]); // hence prints 500

TA贡献1816条经验 获得超4个赞
首先 a = [0,0,0]
a = [0,50,0]
o = [0,50,0]
b = [0,50,0]
b = [0,100,0] -> o = [0,100,0] -> a = [0,100,0]
打印 a[1] = 100
o[1] = 500 -> o = [0,500,0] -> b = [0,500,0] -> a = [0,500,0]
打印 a[1] = 500
这就是 a[1] 的值是如何改变的。
基本上有相同的数组 a 一直在改变。