在我的一个--help程序中传递时,我有一个非常长的帮助菜单:optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exitmandatory arguments: arguments that have to be passed for the program to run -u URL, --url URL Pass a single URL to detect the protection...request arguments: arguments that will control your requests --pa USER-AGENT Provide your own personal agent to use it for the HTTP...encoding options: arguments that control the encoding of payloads -e PAYLOAD [TAMPER-SCRIPT-LOAD-PATH ...], --encode PAYLOAD [TAMPER-SCRIPT-LOAD-PATH ...]...output options: arguments that control how WhatWaf handles output -F, --format Format the output into a dict and display it...misc arguments: arguments that don't fit in any other category --verbose Run in verbose mode (more output)...构建参数的结构如下所示: mandatory = parser.add_argument_group("mandatory arguments", "arguments that have to be passed for the program to run") mandatory.add_argument("-u", "--url", dest="runSingleWebsite", metavar="URL", help="Pass a single URL to detect the protection")... req_args = parser.add_argument_group("request arguments", "arguments that will control your requests") req_args.add_argument("--pa", dest="usePersonalAgent", metavar="USER-AGENT", help="Provide your own personal agent to use it for the HTTP requests")...