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TA贡献1836条经验 获得超3个赞
const re = /\[[^\[\]\n]*\]|\b\w+\]|\[\w+|\*\*.+?(?:\*\*|$)|-+|(?:^|~~).+?~~|[\w ]+/mg;
const arr = [
'The special~~ quick brown fox jumps [over the] lazy **dog on** a **Sunday night.',
'The] quick brown fox jumps [over] the lazy [dog',
'The] quick [brown] fox **jumps** over ~~the~~ lazy dog --- in the [woods'
var n;
arr.forEach( str => {
m = str.match(re);
TA贡献1866条经验 获得超5个赞
您可以使用此正则表达式来拆分字符串。它在分隔符(**,~~或[])之一与匹配的分隔符或字符串的开始/结束之间拆分文本上的字符串;或在一系列连字符 ( -) 上。它使用捕获组来确保正则表达式匹配的字符串出现在输出数组中:
((?:\*\*|^)[A-Za-z. ]+(?:\*\*|$)|(?:~~|^)[A-Za-z. ]+(?:~~|$)|(?:\[|^)[A-Za-z. ]+(?:\]|$)|-+
const re = /((?:\*\*|^)[A-Za-z. ]+(?:\*\*|$)|(?:~~|^)[A-Za-z. ]+(?:~~|$)|(?:\[|^)[A-Za-z. ]+(?:\]|$)|-+)/;
const str = [
'The] quick [brown] fox **jumps** over ~~the~~ lazy dog --- in the [woods',
'The] quick brown fox jumps [over] the lazy [dog',
'The~~ quick brown fox jumps [over] the lazy **dog',
'The special~~ quick brown fox jumps [over the] lazy **dog on** a **Sunday night.'];
str.forEach(v => console.log(v.split(re).filter(Boolean)));
.as-console-wrapper { max-height: 100% !important; top: 0; }