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public class Summary
public DateTime? PreviousInspection;
public DateTime? NextInspection;
public int Errors;
var errorsPerIV = (from e in dc.Errors
where e.cityID == ctid && e.centreID == centreid
// Find the date of the previous inspection (if any)
let previousInspection = (from i in dc.InspectionVisits where i.cityID == e.cityID && i.centreID == e.centreID && i.datePerformed <= e.date orderby i.datePerformed descending select i.datePerformed).FirstOrDefault()
// Find the date of the next inspection (if any)
let nextInspection = (from i in dc.InspectionVisits where i.cityID == e.cityID && i.centreID == e.centreID && i.datePerformed > e.date orderby i.datePerformed ascending select i.datePerformed).FirstOrDefault()
group e by new { previousInspection , nextInspection } into results
orderby results.Key.previousInspection
select new Summary
PreviousInspection = results.Key.previousInspection,
NextInspection = results.Key.nextInspection ,
Errors = results.Count()
var inspectionsDates = (from i in InspectionVisits where i.cityID == ctid && i.centreID == centreid orderby i.datePerformed select i.datePerformed).ToList();
for(int i=0; i< inspectionsDates.Count-1; i++)
if (!errorsPerIV.Any(a=>a.PreviousInspection == inspectionsDates[i]))
errorsPerIV.Add(new Summary() { PreviousInspection = inspectionsDates[i], NextInspection = inspectionsDates[i + 1], Errors = 0});
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