3 回答
TA贡献1796条经验 获得超7个赞
from collections import deque
def perms(pool):
agenda = deque([([], pool)])
while agenda:
perm, left = agenda.popleft()
if not left:
yield perm
# Or, to mimic the original
# print(*perm)
for x in left:
agenda.append((perm+[x], [y for y in left if y != x]))
>>> list(perms('abc')))
[['a', 'b', 'c'],
['a', 'c', 'b'],
['b', 'a', 'c'],
['b', 'c', 'a'],
['c', 'a', 'b'],
['c', 'b', 'a']]
TA贡献1779条经验 获得超6个赞
先从简单开始。首先,让alpha = ["a", "b", "c", "d"]. 首先找到所有以 开头的排列"a":
start_a = [["a"]]
two_start_a = [ start_a[0] + [i] for i in alpha ]
to_three_start_a = [ [ j + [i] for i in alpha ] for j in two_start_a ]
three_start_a = []
for i in to_three_start_a:
#cleaned is to exclude list with multiple values
cleaned = [lst for lst in i if len(set(lst)) == len(lst)]
three_start_element += cleaned
to_four_start_a = [ [ j + [i] for i in alpha ] for j in three_start_a ]
four_start_a = []
for i in to_four_start_a:
#cleaned is to exclude list with multiple values
cleaned = [lst for lst in i if len(set(lst)) == len(lst)]
four_start_element += cleaned
现在我们four_start_a包含所有以 开头的排列"a"。自动版本是
start_a = [[alpha[0]]]
two_start_a = [ start_a[0] + [i] for i in alpha ]
k_start_element = two_start_element
for k in range(3, len(alpha)+1):
to_k_start_a = [ [ j + [i] for i in alpha ] for j in k_start_element ]
k_start_a = []
for i in to_k_start_a:
#cleaned is to exclude list with multiple values
cleaned = [lst for lst in i if len(set(lst)) == len(lst)]
k_start_element += cleaned
那么最后的k_start_a就是从 的第一个元素开始的所有排列alpha。
all_permutations = []
for element in alpha:
start_element = [[element]]
two_start_element = [ start_element[0] + [i] for i in alpha ]
k_start_element = two_start_element
for k in range(3, len(alpha)+1):
to_k_start_element = [ [ j + [i] for i in alpha ] for j in k_start_element ]
k_start_element = []
for i in to_k_start_element:
#to exclude list with multiple values
cleaned = [lst for lst in i if len(set(lst)) == len(lst)]
k_start_element += cleaned
all_permutations.extend( k_start_element )