我是 GO 新手,似乎无法找到有关在全局中重用数据库连接的错误的任何信息。这是导致错误的代码的简化版本:包主import ( _ "github.com/denisenkom/go-mssqldb" "database/sql")var debug = flag.Bool("debug", false, "enable debugging")var password = flag.String("password", "*****", "the database password")var port *int = flag.Int("port", 1433, "the database port")var server = flag.String("server", "localhost", "the database server")var user = flag.String("user", "*****", "the database user")var db *sql.DBfunc main() { // Parse the incoming flags to set variables. flag.Parse() // Output the database variables if the debug flag is set. if *debug { fmt.Printf(" password:%s\n", *password) fmt.Printf(" port:%d\n", *port) fmt.Printf(" server:%s\n", *server) fmt.Printf(" user:%s\n", *user) } // Build out the connection string to the database, and then open the connection to the database. connString := fmt.Sprintf("server=%s;user id=%s;password=%s;port=%d", *server, *user, *password, *port) if *debug { fmt.Printf(" connString:%s\n", connString) } db, err := sql.Open("mssql", connString) if err != nil { log.Fatal("Open connection failed:", err.Error()) } err = db.Ping() if err != nil { fmt.Println("Cannot connect: ", err.Error()) return } // Close the connection when we're all done. defer db.Close() // Truncate the existing records in the ListHubFeed res, err := db.Exec( ` TRUNCATE TABLE foo ` ) _ = res if err != nil { fmt.Println( "TRUNCATE TABLE failed", err ) } eligible := verifyEligibility( "foo" )}func verifyEligibility( email string ) ( success bool ) { //Run each check individually, and if any one fails, return false and stop processing additional checks // if the routing email is bad, then we can't create an account, so kick it out. if( !govalidator.IsEmail( email ) ){ writeToLog( email ) return false } return true;}
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db, err := sql.Open("mssql", connString)
在这里,您将短变量声明运算符 ( :=) 与赋值运算符 ( =)混淆了。
此指令db使用db局部变量覆盖全局变量,只能在您的main函数中访问(这称为shadowing,也适用于包名称等)。因此,使用的db变量writeToLog永远不会被初始化,因此是nil pointer dereference错误的。
var err error
db, err = sql.Open("mssql", connString)
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