这可能在其他地方得到了回答,但我还没有找到可行的解决方案。我有两个数据表,我想将它们连接到一个数据表中,其中包含来自它们两个的所有数据,或者至少来自它们中的第一个和第二个数据表中的一些列。我不想列出第一个数据表中的所有列(总共 180 个)。我试过例如。这个var JoinedResult = from t1 in table1.Rows.Cast<DataRow>() join t2 in table2.Rows.Cast<DataRow>() on Convert.ToInt32(t1.Field<string>("ProductID")) equals t2.Field<int>("FuelId") select t1;但这仅给出了 table1 中的列。如何从 table2 中获取列到我的结果?最后,我需要将我的结果添加到数据集中。ResultSet.Tables.Add(JoinedResult.CopyToDataTable());编辑:我最终以此作为解决方案。这遵循此处给出的示例Create join with Select All (select *) in linq to datasets DataTable dtProduct = dsProduct.Tables[0]; DataTable dtMoistureLimits = ds.Tables[0]; //clone dt1, copies all the columns to newTable DataTable dtProductWithMoistureLimits = dtProduct.Clone(); //copies all the columns from dt2 to newTable foreach (DataColumn c in dtMoistureLimits.Columns) dtProductWithMoistureLimits.Columns.Add(c.ColumnName, c.DataType); var ProductsJoinedWithMoistureLimits = dtProduct.Rows.Cast<DataRow>() .Join(dtMoistureLimits.Rows.Cast<DataRow>(),// join table1 and table2 t1 => new { ProductID = t1.Field<int>("ProductID"), DelivererID = t1.Field<int>("DelivererID") }, t2 => new { ProductID = t2.Field<int>("MoistureLimits_ProductID"), DelivererID = t2.Field<int>("MoistureLimits_DelivererID") }, (t1, t2) => // when they match { // make a new object // containing the matching t1 and t2 DataRow row = dtProductWithMoistureLimits.NewRow(); row.ItemArray = t1.ItemArray.Concat(t2.ItemArray).ToArray(); dtProductWithMoistureLimits.Rows.Add(row); return row; });但是,在dtMoistureLimits 中,dtProduct中没有所有“ProductID”和“DelivererID”的行。目前我的解决方案只返回匹配的行。如何改进解决方案以返回那些在dtMoistureLimits 中没有“ProductID”和“DelivererID”数据的行?
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TA贡献1995条经验 获得超2个赞
var result = table1.Rows.Cast<DataRow>()
.Join(table2.Rows.Cast<DataRow>(), // join table1 and table2
t1 => Convert.ToInt32(t1.Field<string>("ProductID")) // from every t1 get the productId
t2 => t2.Field<int>("FuelId") // from every t2 get the fuelId,
(t1, t2) => new // when they match
{ // make a new object
T1 = t1, // containing the matching t1 and t2
T2 = t2,
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