当尝试调用通过调用返回的 Node 对象的方法时neoism.CypherQuery,我不断收到“无效的内存地址或 nil 指针取消引用”的恐慌。查询返回一些东西(访问作品的Data属性Node),但调用任何方法都会导致恐慌。这些方法有接收器*Node,不是Node,但是应该可以工作的 AFAIK?无论如何,我已经尝试获取指向该对象的指针并在其上调用该方法,但这也不起作用。我真的卡在这里了...重现问题的示例代码(需要 neoism 和 go-uuid 包以及在本地主机上运行的 Neo4J DB):package mainimport ( "code.google.com/p/go-uuid/uuid" "fmt" "github.com/jmcvetta/neoism")func main() { neo, _ := neoism.Connect("http://localhost:7474/db/data") // create a node with a random id nodeId := uuid.New() _, err := neo.CreateNode(neoism.Props{"NodeId": nodeId}) if err != nil { fmt.Println(err) return } fmt.Println("node created, id", nodeId) // find the node by the id res := []struct { Node neoism.Node `json:"nodes"` }{} err = neo.Cypher(&neoism.CypherQuery{ Statement: `MATCH (nodes {NodeId:{NodeId}}) RETURN nodes`, Parameters: neoism.Props{"NodeId": nodeId}, Result: &res, }) if err != nil { fmt.Println(err) return } fmt.Println("query executed") // try to work with the query results if len(res) > 0 { // get Data -> works fmt.Println(res[0].Node.Data) // call method -> panics err = res[0].Node.SetProperty("TestProp", "TestValue") if err != nil { fmt.Println(err) return } }}这是堆栈跟踪的相关部分:goroutine 1 [running]:github.com/jmcvetta/neoism.(*entity).SetProperty(0x119abc00, 0x5d3a68, 0x8, 0x5d3a88, 0x9, ...) .../src/github.com/jmcvetta/neoism/entity.go:26 +0x104main.main() .../src/nieware/neoprob/neoprob.go:41 +0x4cb
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