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TA贡献1848条经验 获得超6个赞
// creating the object that will hold the valeues
let groups = {}
// querying DOM for the elements we want
const inputList = document.querySelectorAll('input')
// iterating over the query result
for (let item of inputList) {
// get the value of attribute 'data-group'
const attribute = item.getAttribute('data-group')
// if the attribute is not in the groups object,
// then add with an array
if (!(attribute in groups)) {
groups[attribute] = []
// push the value of the value attribute to the array
// displaying result in the console
// regular syntax
console.log('3G from the groups: ', groups.connection[0])
console.log('tablet from the groups: ', groups.platform[2])
// array syntax - multidimensional array
console.log('3G from the groups (array): ', groups['connection'][0])
console.log('tablet from the groups (array): ', groups['platform'][2])
// if the keys in the groups object are not known
// (so you cannot count on calling them by a string),
// then this is how you iterate through the object:
for (let key of Object.keys(groups)) {
groups[key].forEach(item => {
console.log(key + ": ", item)
<input class='change_connection' name='test[connection][]' type='checkbox' data-group="connection" value="3G">
<input class='change_connection' name='test[connection][]' type='checkbox' data-group="connection" value="wifi">
<input class='change_platform' name='test[platform][]' data-group="platform" value='mobile' type='checkbox'>
<input class='change_platform' name='test[platform][]' data-group="platform" value='desktop' type='checkbox'>
<input class='change_platform' name='test[platform][]' data-group="platform" value='tablet' type='checkbox'>
从您提供的数据集的一个重要区别是,它不仅是data不过data-group。在 HTML5 中,向 DOM 元素添加自定义数据的方法是使用data-*前缀,但随后您需要将您的名称附加到属性(我将其命名为group,因此它在 HTML 中是data-group)。

TA贡献1799条经验 获得超8个赞
// this is an object that has arrays in it
const object = {
connection: ['3G', 'wifi'],
platform: ['mobile', 'desktop', 'tablet']
// calling a value:
console.log(object.connection[0]) // expected output: 3G
console.log(object.platform[1]) // expected output: desktop
这不是一个多维数组(当然,它在底层是),而是一个包含数组的 JavaScript 对象。
console.log(object['platform'][0]) // expected output: mobile
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