我有以下file.txt参考这篇文章。它可能包含多达 400,000 个条目,我需要将它们插入到数据库中,但是对于大约 80000 到最大 100,000 的文件,该过程成功但如果超出则失败。问题可能出在写入数据库的最后一个循环中,FILETYPE: STUDENTFORMATVERSION: 1.2 ACTION: REPLACEALLCOLUMNS: NAME,SURNAME,AGE,SEX"raj","jonson",17,"M""Rita","Sweety",17,"F"这是我的示例代码//入口点public RestResponse provisionStudent(MultipartFormDataInput input) { long processed = 0L; HashMap<String, String> columnMaping = new HashMap<String, String>(); //mapping here as the column name is not same as in the database columnMaping.put("NAME","name"); columnMaping.put("surname","s_name"); columnMaping.put("AGE","age"); columnMaping.put("SEX","mf"); try { String lineRead; List<Map<String, String>> listheader = new ArrayList<>(); Map<String, String> obj = new LinkedHashMap<>(); ArrayList<String> body = new ArrayList<String>(); InputStream result; //checking if file contain data if (input == null || input.getParts() == null || input.getParts().isEmpty()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Multipart request is empty"); } if (input.getParts().size() == 1) { InputPart filePart = input.getParts().iterator().next(); result = filePart.getBody(InputStream.class, null); } else { result = input.getFormDataPart("file", InputStream.class, null); } BufferedReader httpResponseReader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(result)); // reading the header part into obj and the body part in array list body while ((lineRead = httpResponseReader.readLine()) != null) { if (lineRead.contains(":")) { String[] headervalues = lineRead.replace(" ", "").split(":"); obj.put(headervalues[0], headervalues[1]); } else { if (lineRead.length() > 0) body.add(lineRead.replace(" ", "")); } }