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缓存散列- 进行更新只是重新散列他们需要的内容
符合地道的习惯——与其他 Go 代码很好地融合
做任何事情,这是三管齐下的:如果类型实现它,则使用特殊方法(对于 JSON 而言MarshalJSON
),对基本类型使用类型开关,并使用反射回退到令人讨厌的默认情况。这是一个 API 草图,它为哈希缓存提供了一个帮助程序,并允许类型实现Hash
package merkle
type HashVal uint64
const MissingHash HashVal = 0
// Hasher provides a custom hash implementation for a type. Not
// everything needs to implement it, but doing so can speed
// updates.
type Hasher interface {
Hash() HashVal
// HashCacher is the interface for items that cache a hash value.
// Normally implemented by embedding HashCache.
type HashCacher interface {
CachedHash() *HashVal
// HashCache implements HashCacher; it's meant to be embedded in your
// structs to make updating hash trees more efficient.
type HashCache struct {
h HashVal
// CachedHash implements HashCacher.
func (h *HashCache) CachedHash() *HashVal {
return &h.h
// Hash returns something's hash, using a cached hash or Hash() method if
// available.
func Hash(i interface{}) HashVal {
if hashCacher, ok := i.(HashCacher); ok {
if cached := *hashCacher.CachedHash(); cached != MissingHash {
return cached
switch i := i.(type) {
case Hasher:
return i.Hash()
case uint64:
return HashVal(i * 8675309) // or, you know, use a real hash
case []byte:
// CRC the bytes, say
return 0xdeadbeef
return 0xdeadbeef
// terrible slow recursive case using reflection
// like: iterate fields using reflect, then hash each
// instead of panic()ing here, you could live a little
// dangerously and declare that changes to unhashable
// types don't invalidate the tree
panic("unhashable type passed to Hash()")
// Item is a node in the Merkle tree, which must know how to find its
// parent Item (the root node should return nil) and should usually
// embed HashCache for efficient updates. To avoid using reflection,
// Items might benefit from being Hashers as well.
type Item interface {
Parent() Item
// Update updates the chain of items between i and the root, given the
// leaf node that may have been changed.
func Update(i Item) {
for i != nil {
cached := i.CachedHash()
*cached = MissingHash // invalidate
*cached = Hash(i)
i = i.Parent()
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