对于作业,我必须同时实现铰链损失及其偏导数计算函数。我得到了 Hinge 损失函数本身,但我很难理解如何计算其偏导数 wrt 预测输入。我尝试了不同的方法,但都没有奏效。任何帮助,提示,建议将不胜感激!这是铰链损失函数本身的解析表达式:这是我的铰链损失函数实现:def hinge_forward(target_pred, target_true): """Compute the value of Hinge loss for a given prediction and the ground truth # Arguments target_pred: predictions - np.array of size `(n_objects,)` target_true: ground truth - np.array of size `(n_objects,)` # Output the value of Hinge loss for a given prediction and the ground truth scalar """ output = np.sum((np.maximum(0, 1 - target_pred * target_true)) / target_pred.size) return output现在我需要计算这个梯度:这是我尝试的铰链损失梯度计算:def hinge_grad_input(target_pred, target_true): """Compute the partial derivative of Hinge loss with respect to its input # Arguments target_pred: predictions - np.array of size `(n_objects,)` target_true: ground truth - np.array of size `(n_objects,)` # Output the partial derivative of Hinge loss with respect to its input np.array of size `(n_objects,)` """# ----------------# try 1# ----------------# hinge_result = hinge_forward(target_pred, target_true)# if hinge_result == 0:# grad_input = 0# else:# hinge = np.maximum(0, 1 - target_pred * target_true)# grad_input = np.zeros_like(hinge)# grad_input[hinge > 0] = 1# grad_input = np.sum(np.where(hinge > 0))# ----------------# try 2# ----------------# hinge = np.maximum(0, 1 - target_pred * target_true)# grad_input = np.zeros_like(hinge)# grad_input[hinge > 0] = 1# ----------------# try 3# ---------------- hinge_result = hinge_forward(target_pred, target_true) if hinge_result == 0: grad_input = 0 else: loss = np.maximum(0, 1 - target_pred * target_true) grad_input = np.zeros_like(loss) grad_input[loss > 0] = 1 grad_input = np.sum(grad_input) * target_pred return grad_input