我以前从未修补过变量,它甚至可能吗?代码如下:脚本文件import win32guidef code():"""Fetch Window handles by name and set the "test" handle to the foreground""" open_window = False top_windows = [] while open_window == False: # Iterate through Window handles and add them into the "top_windows" list win32gui.EnumWindows(windowEnumerationHandler, top_windows) # Find "test" handle and set it to the foreground then break loop for window in top_windows: if "test" in window[1]: win32gui.ShowWindow(window[0],5) win32gui.SetForegroundWindow(window[0]) open_window = True break else: # Keeping looping until "test" handle has loaded and pass # switch to it in the event it hasn't loaded up yet测试脚本.pyimport codefrom unittest.mock import patchdef test_code(): # Question pertains to this line of code. How would I write it? If possible? with patch(~~~ patch top_windows and give it a value of [("dummy","test")] so code doesn't loop forever ~~~),\ patch('code.win32gui.SetForegroundWindow') as patch_1,\ patch('code.win32gui.ShowWindow) as patch_2,\ patch('code.win32gui.EnumWindows)as patch_3: code() assert patch_1.call_count == 1 assert patch_2.call_count == 2 assert patch_3.call_count == 3如果不修补变量“top_windows”,此代码将无限循环。无论如何,我可以修补它或某种解决方法吗?