我目前正在针对返回批处理结果的 xml 服务进行编写。我目前有以下几点:type QueryEnvelope struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/ Envelope"` Body *QueryBody `xml:"http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/ Body"`}type QueryBody struct { QueryResult *QueryResult `xml:"queryResponse>result"`}type QueryResult struct { QueryLocator QueryLocator `xml:"queryLocator"` Done bool `xml:"done"` Size int `xml:"size"` Records interface{} `xml:"records"`}type QueryLocator stringfunc (r *Resource) Query(sql string, r interface{}) error { // builds xml request // sends xml request through Resource which contains the net client // decodes the result into r (type for records in QueryResult)}func (r *Resource) QueryMore(q QueryLocator, r interface{}) error { // same as above except takes queryLocator and makes call to different endpoint in order to continue retrieving results, when QueryResult.Done == true, done fetching results}显然这需要重构,因为客户端需要查看是否 Done == true 以便他们可以继续获取。我正在考虑添加以下内容,并将 Query 和 QueryMore 移动为 Querier 的一种方法:type Querier struct { r *Resource Done bool QueryLocator QueryLocator }func New(r *Resource) *查询器{}客户端然后会这样表现:err := q.Query("sql statement", r)if err != nil { // handle}// do stuff with rfor q.Done == false { q.QueryMore(r) // do stuff with r}我想知道这里的惯用方法是什么,以便最好地“流式传输”结果。
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TA贡献1856条经验 获得超11个赞
一种选择是使用 stdlibsql包用于遍历行的模式。通过这种方式,您可以将初始查询与后续调用统一起来。
稍微改变 sql 包中的示例:
// setup the query, but delay any action until we start iterating.
query, err := NewQuery(queryParameters)
// check err of course
defer query.Close()
for query.Next() {
err = query.Scan(&r)
err = query.Err() // get any error encountered during iteration
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