所以基本上,我正在使用 python 制作一个文本冒险游戏,目标是根据线索和谜语在房子的某个地方找到奖品。当你通过告诉程序你想要向北、向南、向东或向西走而进入房子的一个房间时,它会给你一个房间的描述,但在某些情况下,当你进入一个房间时,除了你刚来自的房间,所以如果你已经进入了房子里的房间,我想让它给你一个不同的输出。我该怎么做?class bc: HEADER = '\033[95m' OKBLUE = '\033[94m' OKGREEN = '\033[92m' WARNING = '\033[93m' FAIL = '\033[91m' ENDC = '\033[0m' BOLD = '\033[1m' UNDERLINE = '\033[4m'inventory = []chest = "Chest"key = "Key"book = "Book"picture = "Picture"def playGame(): location = "Porch" show_intro() while not (location == "Exit"): showRoom(location) direction = str(input(bc.BOLD + bc.HEADER + "Which direction do you want to go?: \n" + bc.ENDC)) location = pickRoom(direction, location)def show_intro(): print(bc.BOLD + """Welcome to a game with no graphics so you get more FPS's!Old man Mesarosh lived here years ago before he and his wife suddenly disappeared.Before he died, it was said that he left behind a chest full of treasure.It's your job to figure out where he left it, and fast...Police drive by every 30 minutes searching for teens exploring the abandoned houseFind the clues left behind by Mesarosh and find where the treasure is hidden.Type "North", "South", "East" or "West" to decide which way to go.Good luck! \n""" + bc.ENDC)def pickRoom(direction, room): while True: if(direction == "quit") or (direction == "exit"): print("Better luck next time!") return "Exit" elif room == "Porch": if direction.lower() == "north": return "Pantry" elif room == "Pantry": if direction.lower() == "north": return "Kitchen" elif direction.lower() == "east": return "DiningRoom" elif room == "DiningRoom": if direction.lower() == "west": return "Pantry"